assignment-3-3-211896535_205543606 created by GitHub Classroom
League Management Webiste by and Mor Saranga
Ben Margalit - 211896535 Mor Saranga - 205543606
This website is a SPA Application built for our web development course. We used Vue.js for the frontend. The website is built according to the specification document given by course staff.
- Main - a page that contains details about the league, next game in the league, if a user is connected it shows the top 3 favorite games he saved, and if not it shows a login section.
- Register - a page that allows the user to register to the site, using vuelidate validation to make sure the inputs are valid.
- Login - a page that allows the user to login, using vuelidate validation to make sure the inputs are valid.
- Search - a page that the user can search for teams and players with a search query, sort the results, and filter them. The results can be saved to the favorites pages.
- Stage Games - a page that shows all the games in the systems, divided by past games and future games.
- About - a page that describes us and our previous projects.
- Favorites - pages that shows the connected users it's favorite games, players and teams.
- League Management - a page that allows an administrator user to add new games to the system, add an event to a game, and add a result to a game.