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Vikas Bodani edited this page Aug 10, 2016 · 9 revisions

GST Tax Plugin

What does it do

GST Plugin is a re-useable component, that can be configured as a Plugin to apply GST Rate on orders at real time. It multiplies the item quantity with price and applies a gst item to an order.

GST Plugin is applied at order processing level because the customer would like to know the proforma order total.


  1. Checkout the Web Data master branch of jBilling CE 4.1.1.
  2. Run setup : grails clean ; grails compile ; grails prepare-test-db -hard; grails run-app
  3. Login to jBilling instance, it should already have some test data, therefore, no signup required
  4. Login into the company Prancing Pony. Credentials admin/123qwe
  5. Configure the Plugin GSTTaxTask: Configuration > Plugins > Order Processing > Add New > GSTTaxTask
  6. Provide a Tax Rate say: 23%, Description: "GST". This description will show on the GST Tax Lien on the order

The setup is complete.

Show example

  1. Create a new Customer
  2. Create an Order for the customer
  3. Add any non-tax product to the order
  4. Update the order line
  5. Notice that the gst rate is automatically calculated and an appropriate amount is applied to the Order
  6. Save the order. The order is saved with appropriate GST rate pre-applied to the order
  7. Any changes to the order will have the gst recalculated and applied

Screenshots - Using the GSTTaxTask in CE jB-4.1.1