C++ projects created for my CIS 3100 (Object-Oriented Programming 1) class. There are 8 C++ programs within this repository:
- A program that asks the user to input an integer and outputs a pyramid of stars pointing up with a number of rows equal to the integer inputted (this is Programming Assignment 1)
- A program that asks the user to input an integer and outputs a pyramid of stars pointing right with the middle row containing a number of stars equal to the integer inputted
- A program that asks the user to input an integer and outputs a pyramid of stars pointing down with a number of rows equal to the integer inputted
- A program that asks the user to input an integer and outputs a pyramid of stars pointing left with the middle row containing a number of stars equal to the integer inputted
- A program that plays a user-specified number of games of craps and calculates the percentage of wins (this is Programming Assignment 3)
- A program that asks the user to input valid values for the loan amount, annual interest, number of years to repay the loan, and additional principal (if any) and outputs a mortgage amortization table to an external file, with the file's name being specified by the user (this is Programmming Assignment 4)
- A program that simulates a user-specified number of Powerball drawings and displays the results of each on screen (this is Programming Assignment 5)
- A program that creates a Rational Number Class, which allows rational numbers (i.e. fractions) to be inputted, outputted, and used in mathematical and relational expressions, and then tests the class using 4 rational numbers inputted by the user (this is Programming Assignment 6)
Note: Programming Assignment 2 is not included in this repository because the purpose of Programming Assignment 4 was to improve upon Assignment 2 to output a mortgage amortization table to an external file rather than the console window.
*All assignments were written and compiled in Visual Studio 2017.