Artifice is a homemade machine learning platform modeled after TensorFlow, co-developed and co-written by William Bidle and Ilana Zane.
To get started with Artifice, copy the following command and paste it into your command line:
pip install Artifice
To test the installation, run the following code into your Python editor of choice:
from Artifice import Artifice
layer_sequence = [1,'ReLU', 2, 'sigmoid', 3]
loss_function = 'MSLE'
nn = Artifice.NN(layer_sequence, loss_function)
print('activation func library:\n', nn.activation_funcs_library, '\n')
print('loss func library:\n', nn.loss_funcs_library, '\n')
print('current weights:\n', nn.weights, '\n')
print('current activation functions:\n', nn.activation_funcs, '\n')
print('current loss function:\n', nn.loss_func_label, ':', nn.loss_func, '\n')
print('traing error:\n', nn.training_err, '\n')
If there are no errors, then you have successfully installed Artifice! The full list of functions, their usage, as well as some examples can be found within the file.
For a given value,
- "sigmoid" :
- 'tanh' :
- 'ReLU' :
For a given network output vector,
- Mean Squared Error ("MSE") :
- Mean Absolute Error ("MAE") :
"MAPE" :
$$100 * \sum_{i}^N|\frac{y_i^{out} - y_i^{true}}{y_i^{out} + y_i^{true}}|$$ -
Mean Squared Logarithmic Error ("MSLE") :
- Binary Cross-Entropy ("BCE") :
- "Poisson" :
Detailed examples on how to use Artifice can be found in the Artifice_Tutorial.ipynb Jupyter Notebook.