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# | Root | Meanings | Examples |
1 | [ab] | apart (prefix) away from off |
abbreviate - 6 abdicate - hs aberration - hs abject - 8 abnormal - 5 absence - 6 absolute - 6 abstinence - hs abstract - 6 abundance - 7 |
2 | [abil] | aptitude handy |
ability capability incapability |
3 | [abs] | apart (prefix) away from off |
abduct absent abstain abstemious abstention abstinence abstract abstraction abstruse aversion |
4 | [acerb] | bitter | acerbic acerbity exacerbate |
5 | [acid] | sour | acid acidic acidity |
6 | [acou] | hearing | acoustics |
7 | [acr] | bitter sour |
acrid acrimonious |
8 | [acro] | first pointed top upper |
acrobat acronym acrophobia acropolis |
9 | [act] | act do drive go move urge |
action activist counteract exact interaction reactionary retroactive transact transaction |
10 | [acu] | sharp | acumen acupuncture acute |
11 | [ad] | near (prefix) to towards |
adequate - 7 adhere - 8 adjourned - 8 admission - 6 admonish - hs adventurous - 5 adversity - 8 advocate - 7 |
12 | [aedi] | house temple |
edifice edify |
13 | [aer] | air | aerate aerial aerodynamics aeronaut aeronomy |
14 | [ag] | act do drive go move urge |
agency agenda agent agility agitate agitation coagulate synagogue |
15 | [ago] | do go move |
agog |
16 | [agog] | bringing leading |
demagogue pedagogue pedagogy synagogue |
17 | [agon] | contest struggle |
agony antagonist protagonist |
18 | [agr] | country field land |
agrarian agribusiness agriculture peregrinate |
19 | [al] | near (prefix) to towards |
alloy |
20 | [ala] | a wing | aileron aisle alar alary aliform |
21 | [alacr] | lively swift |
alacritous alacrity |
22 | [ali] | another other |
alias alibi alien alienate inalienable |
23 | [all] | other | allegory allergy allomorph allopathy parallel |
24 | [alt] | high | altar altimeter altitude contralto exalt |
25 | [alter] | other | alter ego altercation alternate alternative unaltered |
26 | [altr] | other | altruism |
27 | [am] | friend love |
amateur amatory |
28 | [amb] | about around both (prefix) |
ambition |
29 | [ambi] | about around both (prefix) |
ambiance ambidextrous ambient ambiguity ambiguous ambition ambivalence |
30 | [ambl] | go walk |
amble preamble |
31 | [ambul] | walk | ambulance ambulatory funambulist perambulate somnambulist |
32 | [amen] | pleasant | amenity |
33 | [ami] | friend love |
amiable amity |
34 | [amic] | friend love |
amicability amicable |
35 | [amor] | friend love |
amorous enamor paramour |
36 | [amphi] | around (prefix) on both sides |
amphibian amphitheater |
37 | [ampl] | large spacious |
amplification amplify amplitude |
38 | [an] | lacking not without |
anarchy anecdote anesthesia |
39 | [andr] | man | androgynous android misandry |
40 | [ang] | a corner angle |
angle triangulate |
41 | [anim] | mind soul spirit |
animosity equanimity magnanimous pusillanimous unanimous |
42 | [anima] | breath life |
animal animate inanimate |
43 | [ann] | year | anniversary annual annuity per annum |
44 | [ante] | before | antebellum antecedent antediluvial anterior anteroom |
45 | [anth] | flower | amaranthperianth anthology anthozoan |
46 | [anthrop] | man | anthropoid anthropology anthropomorphic lycanthrope misanthrope philanthropy |
47 | [anti] | against (prefix) | antibody anticlimax antidote antipathy antiseptic antisocial |
48 | [antiqu] | ancient | antique antiquity |
49 | [anx] | distressed worried |
anxiety anxiolytic anxious anxiousness |
50 | [apert] | open | aperient aperture apparatus april |
51 | [apo] | away (prefix) | apocalypse apocryphal apogee apologize apology |
52 | [apt] | fit join |
adapt adaptation adept aptitude inept |
53 | [aqu] | water | aquarium aquatic aqueduct aqueous |
54 | [arbitr] | judge umpire witness |
arbiter arbitrary arbitrate arbitration |
55 | [arc] | bow | arcade arch archer archery |
56 | [arch] | govern rule |
anarchy heptarchy hierarchy monarch monarchy oligarchy patriarch |
57 | [archaeo] | OLD ancient |
archaeologist archaic |
58 | [arche] | chief first original |
archetype |
59 | [archi] | chief first principal |
archbishop archenemy archipelago architect |
60 | [ard] | burn | ardent ardor arson |
61 | [argu] | accuse assert prove |
argue arguer argument overargue |
62 | [arium] | a place for (suffix) | aquarium |
63 | [arma] | arms implements tools weapon |
armada armadillo armament armistice armory disarm unarmed |
64 | [art] | craft skill |
artifact artifice artificial artisan artist |
65 | [artill] | equip | artillary |
66 | [aster] | star | aster asterisk asteroid disaster |
67 | [astr] | star | astrology astronaut astronomer astronomy |
68 | [athl] | contest | ahlete decathlon pentathlon |
69 | [atroc] | cruel | atrocious atrocity |
70 | [au] | bird | auspices inauspicious |
71 | [auct] | increase | auction auctioneer main root=aug |
72 | [aud] | hear listen |
audible audience audit audition obedient |
73 | [audac] | bold dare |
audacious |
74 | [aug] | increase | augment augur augury august |
75 | [austr] | south the south wind |
austral australia |
76 | [auto] | self | autocrat autograph automatic automotive autonomy |
77 | [auxil] | help increase |
auxiliary |
78 | [av] | bird | auspice avian aviary aviation avionics |
79 | [aval] | descend rapidly | avalanche |
80 | [bast] | build | bastile bastion |
81 | [bat] | beat | abate battalion batter battery battle combat debate embattle rebate |
82 | [be] | on all sides; overly; with a quality (prefix) | bedraggle - 7 behavior - 5 belittle - hs beloved - 5 beseech - 7 bestow - 5 betray - 6 bewildering - 7 |
83 | [bel] | beautiful fair fine |
belle belmont belvedere embellish |
84 | [bell] | war | antebellum bellicose belligerent rebel rebellion |
85 | [bene] | good well |
benediction benefactor benefice benefit benevolent benign |
86 | [bi] | twice two |
binary bipartisan bipolar |
87 | [bibl] | book | biblical bibliography bibliophile |
88 | [bio] | life | amphibious antibiotic autobiography biodegradable biogenic biology biometrics biopsy symbiosis |
89 | [blust] | blow violently | bluster blusterous blustery |
90 | [bole] | put throw |
enblem hyperbole metabolism parable symbol |
91 | [bomb] | BOOMING NOISE | bombard bombardment |
92 | [bon] | good | bonanza bonny bonus |
93 | [botan] | herb | botanical botany |
94 | [boun] | good | bountiful bounty |
95 | [brac] | the two arms | bracelet embrace |
96 | [brev] | short | abbreviate breviary brevity brief |
97 | [bri] | brief short |
abridge brief |
98 | [bull] | boil bubble |
bullet bulletin bullion ebullient |
99 | [burs] | money purse |
bursar disburse reinburse |
100 | [by] | side (prefix) | bypass bystander |
101 | [cad] | fall sink |
cadence caducous decadence |
102 | [cada] | corpse | cadaver cadaverous |
103 | [cal] | beautiful beauty |
calisthenics calligraphy calomel kaleidoscope |
104 | [calc] | press tread |
caulk cockatrice inculcate recalcitrant |
105 | [calcu] | pebble | calculable calculator calculus |
106 | [cald] | hot | caldron scald |
107 | [calor] | heat | caloric calorie |
108 | [camp] | field | campaign campus championship encampment scamp |
109 | [can] | dog | canine kennel |
110 | [cand] | burn glow |
candle candor incandescent incendiary |
111 | [candid] | clear sincere white |
candid candidate |
112 | [cant] | sing song |
accent accentuate cantata incantation incentive recant |
113 | [cap] | hold seize take |
capable capacious capacity captious captivate captive captor |
114 | [capit] | head | capital capitalism capitation capitulate captain decapitate precipitate precipitous |
115 | [capitul] | chapter head |
capitilar capitulate recapitulate |
116 | [capt] | head | cape captain |
117 | [cardi] | heart | cardiac cardiology pericardium |
118 | [caric] | load wagon |
career caricature carriage chariot |
119 | [carmen] | magical formula song |
charm charming |
120 | [carn] | flesh | carnage carnal carnation carnelian carnival carnivorous carrion reincarnate |
121 | [cart] | a paper | carte-blanche cartel cartography cartoon cartouche cartridge |
122 | [cas] | fall sink |
cascade casual casualty occasional |
123 | [cas/cid/cad] | fall sink |
cadence cascade casualty occasional |
124 | [cast] | chaste pure |
caste castigate catastrophe chastise |
125 | [cata] | down (prefix) | cataclysm catacomb catalyst catapult cataract catastrophe |
126 | [cauld] | hot warm |
cauldron |
127 | [caus] | case motive reason sake |
because causal causality cause |
128 | [caust] | burn heat |
caustic cauterize holocaust |
129 | [caut] | guard against | caution cautious precaution |
130 | [cav] | hollow | cavernous cavity concave excavate |
131 | [cave] | beware guard against |
caution caveat emptor |
132 | [ceas] | go yield |
deceased |
133 | [ced] | go yield |
accede antecedent cede concede intercede precede precedent recede secede |
134 | [ced/cess] | go yield |
ancestry procedure recede succession |
135 | [ceed] | go yield |
exceed proceed succeed |
136 | [ceipt] | hold seize take |
receipt |
137 | [ceit] | hold seize take |
conceit |
138 | [ceiv] | hold seize take |
conceive deceive |
139 | [cel] | heaven | ceiling celestial celestiality |
140 | [celebr] | crowd honor solemnize |
celebrate celebration celebrity |
141 | [celer] | speed swift |
accelerate celerity |
142 | [cent] | hundred | centennial centigrade centipede centuple centurion century |
143 | [centr] | center | central centrifugal concentric eccentric egocentric epicenter |
144 | [cept] | hold seize take |
accept acceptable concept conception deception exception intercept receptacle reception susceptible |
145 | [cerebr] | brain | cerebral |
146 | [cern] | observe separate |
concern discern discreet secret unconcern |
147 | [cert] | settled sure |
ascertain certificate certify concert uncertain |
148 | [cess] | go yield |
ancestor ancestry concession excess incessant success succession |
149 | [chal] | heat warm |
nonchalant |
150 | [champ] | field | championship |
151 | [chand] | burn glow |
chandelier |
152 | [chant] | sing | chantcleer enchanting |
153 | [char] | load wagon |
chariot discharge |
154 | [chast] | chaste pure |
chastise |
155 | [che] | mix pour out |
alchemist alchemy chemist chemistry |
156 | [chef] | end head |
achievable achieve achiever chiefly outachieving |
157 | [chor] | chorus dance |
choir chorea choreography chorus |
158 | [chrom] | color pigment |
chromatic chromosome |
159 | [chron] | time | anachronism chronic chronicle chronology synchronize |
160 | [cid] | fall sink |
accident accidentally coincidence deciduous incidence occidental recidivism |
161 | [cide] | cut kill slay |
concise decide fratricide genocide homicide insecticide precise regicide scissors suicide |
162 | [cil] | bring together unite |
conciliate conciliatory council reconcile |
163 | [cili] | eyelid | cilia ciliary supercilious |
164 | [cinct] | bind | cincture precinct succinct |
165 | [cine] | motion picture move |
cinema cinematic cinematography |
166 | [cip] | hold seize take |
anticipate discipline emancipate incipient recipe recipient reciprocate |
167 | [cipit] | head | precipitate precipitous |
168 | [circ] | circle ring |
circle circuit circuitous circular circulate circus |
169 | [circum] | around (prefix) on all sides |
circumference circumlocution circumnavigation circumspect |
170 | [cise] | cut kill |
chisel concise decisive exorcise incision incisive precise precision scissors |
171 | [cit] | arouse set in motion summon |
excite illicit incite recitation resuscitate solicitous |
172 | [civ] | citizen | civic civil civilization civvies uncivilized |
173 | [claim] | call out declare |
acclaim claim claimant exclaim exclamation proclaim proclamation reclaim |
174 | [clar] | clear | clarinet clarion clarity declare |
175 | [claus] | close | clause claustrophobia |
176 | [cleer] | clear | chanticleer |
177 | [clin] | bend lean slant slope |
climax decline incline recline |
178 | [cliv] | slope | acclivity declivity proclivity |
179 | [clois] | close shut |
cloister |
180 | [clos] | close shut |
disclose enclose |
181 | [clud] | close shut |
conclude exclude include occlude preclude seclude |
182 | [clus] | close shut |
inclusive occlusion recluse seclusion |
183 | [clus/clud] | close shut |
inclusive preclude recluse seclusion |
184 | [coagu] | curdle | coagulate |
185 | [coct] | boil cook |
biscuit concoct decoction precocious |
186 | [cogit] | know ponder think |
cogitation |
187 | [cognit] | know | cognition cognoscenti incognito recognition |
188 | [cogniz] | know | cognizance cognizant recognizance recognize |
189 | [com] | together (prefix) with |
coherence - hs committee - 5 communication - 5 comparative - 7 compassion - 6 compensation - 8 complication - 7 compulsion - 8 |
190 | [commun] | common | commune communicate community |
191 | [compar] | alike matching |
comparability comparative compare |
192 | [comtemn] | despise scorn |
contempt contemptible contemptuous |
193 | [con] | cone | conical conifer |
194 | [conn] | know | reconnaissance |
195 | [consul] | consult deliberate take counsel |
consult consultation |
196 | [contra] | against opposite |
contradict contrarian contrary contrast controversy |
197 | [copi] | abundance plenty |
copious copyright cornucopia |
198 | [cord] | heart | accord concordance cordate cordiality discord recorder |
199 | [corn] | horn | capricorn cornea corner cornet cornucopia unicorn |
200 | [coron] | crown | cornice corolla corollary corona coronation coroner coronet |
201 | [corp] | body | corporal corporation corpse corpulent corset esprit de corps incorporate |
202 | [cort] | court | cortege |
203 | [cosm] | order ornament universe world |
cosmetic cosmic cosmonaut cosmopolitan microcosm |
204 | [counter] | against (prefix) | counteract counterfeit countermand |
205 | [cour] | run | coarse courier course |
206 | [cours] | run | concourse discourse recourse |
207 | [court] | enclosure farmyard garden |
courteous courtesy courtly |
208 | [crac] | govern | aristocracy autocracy democracy plutocracy theocracy |
209 | [crat] | govern | aristocrat autocrat democrat technocrat |
210 | [creas] | grow rise |
decrease increase |
211 | [creat] | create make |
creative creature procreate recreation uncreative |
212 | [cred] | believe | credence credentials credibility creditor credo creed incredible incredulous |
213 | [creet] | GROW INCREASE |
accretion concrete discreet secrete |
214 | [cresc] | grow increase |
crescendo crescent |
215 | [cret] | grow increase |
accretion concrete crescent secrete |
216 | [crimin] | crime distinguish |
criminal discriminate recriminate |
217 | [crit] | a judge choose separate |
criterion critic critical critique hypocrite |
218 | [cruc] | cross | crucial crucify excruciate |
219 | [crus] | cross | cruise crusade |
220 | [crypt] | hidden vault |
apocryphal cryptic cryptography |
221 | [cub] | lie down sit |
cubicle incubate incubus |
222 | [culp] | blame fault offense |
culpable culprit exculpate inculpate mia culpa |
223 | [cult] | till | agriculture cultivate cultural horticulture |
224 | [cumb] | lie down recline |
encumber incumbent procumbent recumbent succumb |
225 | [cur] | run | concur current incur occur recur |
226 | [cura] | attention care |
accurate curate curative curator cure curious manicure pedicure procure secure sinecure |
227 | [curr] | run | concurrent currency occurrence recurrent |
228 | [curs] | run | cursory excursion incursion precursor |
229 | [cus] | case reason sake |
accusation excusable excuse inexcusable recuse |
230 | [cycl] | circle wheel |
bicycle cycle cyclical cyclone cyclops encyclopedia tricycle unicycle |
231 | [cyn] | dog | cynic cynicism cynosure |
232 | [dact] | teach | didactic |
233 | [dain] | worthy | dainty dignitary disdain indignant |
234 | [dat] | give | date edition mandate perdition redition tradition |
235 | [de] | away downward completely (prefix) off reversal undoing |
dedication - 7 deficiency - 8 delegation - 8 deliberate - 6 delusion - 7 desolate - 7 destination - 6 destructive - 8 |
236 | [deb] | owe | debenture |
237 | [debt] | owe | indebtedness |
238 | [deca] | ten | decade decathlon |
239 | [decor] | beauty elegance splendor |
decorate decoration decorous decorum |
240 | [dei] | God | deify deity |
241 | [del] | destroy erase |
delete deleterious deletion indelible |
242 | [dem] | common people people |
demagogue democracy epidemic |
243 | [demi] | half (prefix) | demigod demijohn demitasse |
244 | [demon] | demon | pandemonium |
245 | [dendr] | tree | dendrite dendrology philodendron rhododendron |
246 | [dens] | close thick |
condensation condense dense density |
247 | [dent] | tooth | dental denticle dentifrice denture indentation trident |
248 | [derm] | skin | dermatology epidermis hypodermic pachyderm taxidermy |
249 | [dexter] | right-hand; skillful | dexterity dexterous |
250 | [dextr] | right-hand; skillful | ambidextrous dextrose |
251 | [di] | day | diary dietitian diurnal meridian quotidian sundial |
252 | [dia] | apart (prefix) between through |
diabetes diagnosis dialect dialog diameter digress |
253 | [dicat] | declare speak |
abdicate dedicate indicate predicate |
254 | [dict] | declare say speak |
abdicate addicted benediction contradict dedication dictate dictatorial diction dictionary edict indictment interdict malediction predict valedictorian verdict |
255 | [dign] | merited worthy |
dignify dignitary dignity disdain indignant |
256 | [dilig] | choose like select |
diligence diligent |
257 | [direct from french] | crib nursery |
creche |
258 | [direct from old english] | to be hale | wassail |
259 | [direct-latin & german] | aromatic gum | myrrh |
260 | [dis] | apart asunder away from (prefix) |
disperse disseminate dissipate dissociate dissolve |
261 | [dit] | give | addition edition editorial extradite perdition redition tradition |
262 | [dit/dat] | give push |
addition editorial extradite tradition |
263 | [divid] | divide | device devise divide dividend division individual |
264 | [divin] | divine | divine divinity |
265 | [divis] | divide | devise division divisor indivisible |
266 | [doc] | teach | docile doctor doctorate doctrine documentary dogmatic indoctrinate |
267 | [dogm] | opinion | dogma dogmatic |
268 | [dol] | grieve suffer worry |
condole condolence doleful dolorous indolence indolent |
269 | [dom] | house | domain dome domestic domicile |
270 | [domin] | lord master |
dominate domineer dominion domino predominate |
271 | [don] | gift give |
condone donation donor dowry guerdon pardon |
272 | [donna] | lady (Italian) | prima donna |
273 | [dorm] | sleep | dormant dormer dormitory |
274 | [dors] | back | do-si-do dorsal dossal dossier endorse |
275 | [dos] | a giving | dose |
276 | [dot] | given | anecdote antidote endowment |
277 | [dou] | doubt | doubtful |
278 | [dox] | glory opinion praise |
doxology orthodox paradox |
279 | [dra] | act perform play |
drama dramatize drastic |
280 | [drom] | a running | dromedary hippodrome palindrome syndrome |
281 | [dub] | doubt | dubious indubitable |
282 | [duc] | bring lead |
conduce deduce ducat educate educe induce seduce |
283 | [duct] | bring lead |
aqueduct conducive induct seductive |
284 | [dulc] | sweet | dulcet dulcify dulcimer dulcinea |
285 | [dur] | last | duration endurance endure |
286 | [dynam] | power | dynamics dynamism dynamite |
287 | [dys] | abnormal bad ill impaired sick |
dysentery dysfunction dysplasia |
288 | [e (ec & ef)] | out (prefix) | ecstasy eczema effect effusive eject elaborate emanate |
289 | [eco] | environment house |
eco-activist eco-catastrophe ecology ecosystem |
290 | [ecu] | follow | execute executive executor |
291 | [edif] | build | edification edifice edify |
292 | [ego] | I self |
egocentric egotist |
293 | [egor] | speak | allegory categorize category |
294 | [egr] | field land |
peregrinate |
295 | [egri] | field | peregrination |
296 | [eido] | form image shape |
kaleidoscope |
297 | [ela] | drive flexible |
elastic elasticity |
298 | [electr] | amber electric |
electrode electron electronics |
299 | [elig] | pick out select |
diligent electable electorate elegant eligible |
300 | [emia] | blood condition (suffix) | anemia hypervolemia leukemia |
301 | [empt/em] | buy take |
example exempt peremptory premium redeem redemption |
302 | [en] | in into to cover or contain (prefix) |
enchantment - 5 enclosure - 6 endure - 5 energetic - 8 engrave - 6 enthusiastic - 7 environmental - 7 envision - 8 |
303 | [endo] | inside within |
endocrine endoscope endothermic |
304 | [enn] | year | biennial centennial perennial |
305 | [epi] | on the outside (prefix) over upon |
epidermis epigram episode epitaph epitome |
306 | [ept] | fit join |
adept inept |
307 | [equ] | equal same |
adequate equal equanimity equation equilibrium equinox equitable equity equivalent equivocal equivocate |
308 | [eque] | horse | equestrian equine |
309 | [erg] | work | allergy energetic energy ergometer ergonomics |
310 | [err] | wander | aberration errant erratic erroneous error unerring |
311 | [esce] | becoming (suffix) process of beginning |
acquiesce adolescent coalesce convalescent iridescent |
312 | [estim] | value | esteem estimate |
313 | [eth] | behavior custom moral |
ethical ethics ethos |
314 | [ethic] | behavior moral |
ethical ethics ethos |
315 | [eu] | good well (prefix) |
eulogize eulogy euphemism euphonious euthanasia |
316 | [ex] | out out of outside (prefix) |
excel - 8 exception - 6 exclamation - 6 exclusive - 8 excursion - 6 exotic - 6 expectation - 7 extensive - 8 |
317 | [exampl] | model pattern sample |
example exemplary exemplify |
318 | [exo] | outer (prefix) outside |
exodus exogamy exogenous exotic |
319 | [extra] | beyond (prefix) | extraneous extraordinary extrapolate extravagance |
320 | [fa] | speak | affable confabulate fable fabulous fate ineffable infantry preface |
321 | [fac] | do make |
benefactor facade facile facilitate faction factor factory faculty olfactory |
322 | [fac/fic] | do make |
artificial deficiency facade faction faculty magnificent olfactory personification proficient ratification suffice superficial |
323 | [faci] | face figure form |
deface efface facade facial superficial surface |
324 | [fall] | beguile deceive err |
fallacious fallacy fallible falter infallible |
325 | [fals] | deceive | false falsetto falsification falsify |
326 | [fam] | public opinion report |
defamation defame famous infamous infamy |
327 | [fas] | law right |
nefarious |
328 | [fast] | conceit pride |
fastidious |
329 | [fatu] | feeble foolish silly |
fatuity fatuous infatuate |
330 | [faul] | deceive | default fault |
331 | [fav] | goodwill to be favorably inclined |
favor favorite |
332 | [fect] | act do form make |
affect affectation affection confection defect defection infect infection perfect perfection |
333 | [feder] | league treaty |
confederate confederation confereracy federal |
334 | [feit/fac] | do make |
counterfeit forfeit surfeit |
335 | [fend] | strike | defend offend |
336 | [fens] | strike | defensive indefensible offensive |
337 | [fer] | bear bring carry |
circumference confer defer fertile infer odoriferous refer referee reference suffer transfer vociferous |
338 | [ferm] | cause to rise leaven |
ferment fermentation |
339 | [ferv] | boil | effervesce fervent fervid fervor |
340 | [fest] | feast | feast festival festive |
341 | [fic] | do make |
beneficiary deficiency deficient difficult efficacious magnificent personification proficient suffice superficial |
342 | [fict] | fashion feign |
fictile fiction fictitious |
343 | [fid] | faith trust |
affidavit bona fide confidential infidel |
344 | [fig] | feign form make shape |
configuration disfigure effigy figment figurative figure |
345 | [fil] | line thread |
filament filigree fillet profile |
346 | [fin] | end limit |
affinity confine define definitive finale fine finesse finish indefinite infinite refine |
347 | [firm] | firm steadfast strong |
affirm confirm confirmation firmament firmness infirm infirmary |
348 | [fix] | fastened fixed |
affix fixation prefix suffix transfixed |
349 | [flagr] | burn | conflagration flagrant |
350 | [flam] | burn | flamboyant inflammatory |
351 | [flect] | bend | deflect genuflect inflection reflect |
352 | [flex] | bend | circumflex flexible flexor reflex |
353 | [flict] | dash strike |
affliction conflict inflict |
354 | [flig] | dash strike |
profligate |
355 | [flor] | flower | floral florid florist flourish |
356 | [flu] | flow | affluent effluence fluent fluid flume flux influence mellifluous superfluous |
357 | [fluctu] | a wave | fluctuate |
358 | [foli] | leaf | cinquefoil defoliate exfoliate foliage folic acid folio portfolio |
359 | [forc] | strong | reinforcement |
360 | [fore] | before earlier (prefix) previous |
forebear forebode forecast forehead foreman forestall foretell |
361 | [form] | form shape |
conform deform formula inform reform transform uniform |
362 | [formid] | fear | formidability formidable |
363 | [fort] | strong | comfort comfortable effort forte fortification fortitude reinforcement |
364 | [fortu] | casual chance luck |
fortuitous |
365 | [fortun] | chance fortune |
fortunate fortune misfortune |
366 | [found] | bottom foundation |
foundation founder profound |
367 | [fourn] | accomplish complete |
furnish performance |
368 | [fract] | break | fraction fractious fracture fragment infraction refract |
369 | [frag] | break | fragile fragment fragmentation |
370 | [frater] | brother | fraternal fraternity |
371 | [fratr] | brother | fratricide friar |
372 | [frig] | be cold | frigid frigidity refrigerator |
373 | [front] | face forehead |
affront confront effrontery frontal |
374 | [fruct] | enjoy fruit |
fructose |
375 | [frug] | fruits of the earth thrift |
frugal |
376 | [fruit] | enjoy produce |
fruitful fruition |
377 | [frustra] | in vain | frustrate frustration |
378 | [fug] | flee | centrifugal centrifuge fugitive refuge subterfuge |
379 | [fum] | smoke | fumigant fumigation |
380 | [funct] | perform | defunct function perfunctory |
381 | [fund] | bottom | found fundamental funding profound |
382 | [fur] | steal | furtive |
383 | [fus] | melt pour |
confuse diffuse effusion fusion profuse transfusion |
384 | [gam] | marriage | amalgamate bigamy endogamy monogamy polygamy |
385 | [gastr] | stomach | gastric gastronomy gastropod |
386 | [gen] | kind race |
congenial denegrate generation gentle |
387 | [geo] | earth ground soil |
apogee geocentric geode geography geology |
388 | [geri] | old age | geriatric |
389 | [germ] | bud seed vital part |
germ germane germinate |
390 | [geron] | old man | genontology gerontocracy |
391 | [gest] | bring carry |
congestion digestion gestation gesture register suggest |
392 | [glac] | ice | glacial glacier glacis |
393 | [glom] | ball of yarn | conglomerate |
394 | [gloss] | language tongue word |
glossary |
395 | [glot] | tongue | epiglottis |
396 | [glutin] | bond glue |
agglutinate gluten glutinous |
397 | [glyc] | sugar | glycerol hypoglycemia triglyceride |
398 | [gnit/not] | know | acquaint cognition cognitive cognizant incognito recognition recognize |
399 | [gno] | know | agnostic diagnose gnome prognosticate |
400 | [gon] | angle corner |
hexagon polygon |
401 | [gorg] | throat | gargle gorge gorgeous |
402 | [grac] | pleasing thankful |
disgrace grace gracious |
403 | [grad] | degree go step walk |
aggression aggressive centigrade congress congressional congressman degrade degree gradient gradual gradually graduate graduation ingredient progress progressive retrograde transgress transgression |
404 | [gramm] | a letter written character |
anagram diagram epigram grammatical monogram programme |
405 | [grand] | great large |
aggrandize grandeur grandiloquent grandiose grandstand |
406 | [graph] | write | autograph calligraphy demography geography graphite holograph lithography seismograph |
407 | [grat] | pleasing thankful |
congratulate grateful gratify gratis gratitude gratuitous ingrate ingratiate |
408 | [grat/grac] | pleasing thankful |
disgrace gracious gratitude ingrate |
409 | [grav] | heavy weighty |
aggravate engrave graveness gravitate gravity grievance grieve |
410 | [gred] | degree step |
ingredient |
411 | [gree] | pleasing thankful |
agreement disagreeable |
412 | [greg] | flock herd |
aggregate congregation egregious gregarious |
413 | [gress] | step walk |
aggression congressman digress egress progressive |
414 | [griev] | heavy weighty |
grievance |
415 | [gyn] | woman | gynecology misogyny |
416 | [gyr] | circle ring |
gyrate gyration gyre gyroscope |
417 | [hab] | have hold |
behavior haberdashery habit habitual rehabilitate |
418 | [habit] | abide dwell live |
habitat habitation habitual inhabitant |
419 | [hal] | breathe | exhalation halitosis inhalant inhale |
420 | [hap] | by chance | haphazard hapless happen mishap |
421 | [harb] | shelter (German) | harbinger harbor |
422 | [hard] | harden make brave |
foolhardy |
423 | [harm] | a joining fitting joint |
harmonic harmoniously harmonize harmony |
424 | [haut] | grand (French) high |
haughty haute couture |
425 | [heart] | heart (compound word) | heartbroken |
426 | [hedr] | base seat |
cathedral octahedron polyhedron |
427 | [heir] | inherit | heiress heirloom |
428 | [helic] | spiral | helicopter heliport helix |
429 | [helio] | the sun | aphelion heliocentric heliograph heliolatry heliotrope helium perihelion |
430 | [hem] | blood | hemophilia hemorrhage |
431 | [hemat] | blood | hematite |
432 | [hemi] | half (prefix) | hemiparasite hemiplegia hemisphere |
433 | [hend] | grasp | apprehend apprehensive reprehensible |
434 | [her] | hold fast stick |
adhere adherence coherence incoherent inherent |
435 | [hered] | heir inherit |
hereditary |
436 | [heri] | inherit | heritage inheritance |
437 | [hero] | hero | heroism |
438 | [hes] | hold fast stick |
adhesion adhesive cohesion cohesive hesitate |
439 | [hetero] | another (prefix) different other |
heterodox heterogeneous heteronym |
440 | [hex] | six (prefix) | hexagon |
441 | [hib] | have hold as customary occupy |
exhibitor prohibit |
442 | [hibit] | have hold |
exhibit prohibit prohibition |
443 | [hiero] | priestly sacred |
hierarchy hierocracy hieroglyphics |
444 | [hod] | road way |
method odometer period synod |
445 | [holo] | whole | catholic holistic holocaust hologram |
446 | [homeo] | like same |
homeopathy |
447 | [homo] | same | homogeneous homonym |
448 | [horr] | shudder stand on end |
horrendous horrible horrid horrify horror |
449 | [hortus] | a garden | horticultural horticulture horticulturist |
450 | [hosp] | guest host |
hospice hospitable hospital hostel hostess hostler hotel |
451 | [host] | an enemy | hostage hostile |
452 | [hum] | earth the ground |
exhume humble humility humus |
453 | [hydr] | water | dehydrate hydrangea hydrant hydraulics hydrogen hydrophobia |
454 | [hyper] | above (prefix) over |
hyperactive hyperbole hypertension |
455 | [hypn] | sleep | hypnosis hypnotic hypnotism hypnotize |
456 | [hypo] | beneath under (prefix) |
hypocrisy hypoglycemia hypotenuse hypothermia hypothesis hypothetical |
457 | [icon] | image | iconoclast iconography iconology |
458 | [ideid] | form shape |
idyl idyllic |
459 | [iden] | same | identification identify identity |
460 | [ideo] | idea thought |
idealistic ideology |
461 | [idio] | one's own peculiar |
idiom idiosyncrasy idiot |
462 | [ign] | fire | igneous ignite ignition |
463 | [in] | not (prefix) | immortality - 8 impatience - 7 impractical - 7 improbable - 8 indefinite - 7 injustice - 6 insatiable - 7 invalid - 7 |
464 | [insul] | island | insular insulate insulation islet isolate peninsula |
465 | [intellec] | power to know | intellect intellectual |
466 | [intellig] | power to think | unintelligible |
467 | [inter] | among (prefix) between |
intercept interfere interject interval |
468 | [intra] | within (prefix) | intramural intraocular intrastate intravenous |
469 | [intrin] | inward | interior intrinsic |
470 | [invid] | envy | envious envy invidious |
471 | [irish] | A county in Ireland | limerick |
472 | [irrir] | exasperate excite provoke |
irritable irritate irritation |
473 | [isl] | island | islet |
474 | [iso] | equal | isobar isometric isosceles isotope |
475 | [iss] | depart go forth go out |
issue reissue |
476 | [it] | go | ambition circuit exit sedition transit |
477 | [iter] | again repeat |
iterate iteration reiterate |
478 | [itiner] | journey | itinerant itinerary |
479 | [jac] | lie throw |
adjacent |
480 | [ject] | cast throw |
adjective dejected interject projection |
481 | [joc] | a jest joke |
jocose jocosity jocular jocund |
482 | [join] | join | adjoining disjointed |
483 | [journ] | daily day |
adjourn bonjour journal journey sojourn |
484 | [jud] | judge | judgment |
485 | [judic] | judge judgment |
adjudicate judicial judiciary judicious prejudice |
486 | [jug] | join yoke |
conjugal conjugate subjugate |
487 | [jun] | young | junior juniper |
488 | [junct] | join | adjunct conjunction injunction junction juncture subjunctive |
489 | [jur] | law right |
injurious jurisdiction jurist perjury |
490 | [jure] | swear | abjure conjure perjure |
491 | [jus] | law right |
adjust injustice justification readjustment unjustly |
492 | [juven] | young | juvenescent juvenile juvie rejuvenate |
493 | [kilo] | one thousand (prefix) | kilometer |
494 | [kine] | move | kinetics |
495 | [labor] | work | belabor collaborate. elaborate collaboration laboratory laborious |
496 | [lacer] | mangled torn |
lacerate laceration |
497 | [lact] | milk | lactation lacteal lactescent lactose lettuce |
498 | [lang] | tongue | language |
499 | [langu] | be weary | languid languish languor |
500 | [laps] | slip | collapse collapsible elapse lapse |
501 | [lass] | faint weary |
alas lass lassitude late |
502 | [lat] | bring carry lift |
elated legislative relate translation |
503 | [later] | side | collateral equilateral lateral quadrilateral unilateral |
504 | [laud] | praise | applaud cum laude laudable plaudits |
505 | [lav] | wash | lavatory lave lavender lavish |
506 | [lax] | loose | laxative laxity relax |
507 | [leas] | loose | release |
508 | [lect] | choose gather |
intellect predilection recollection select |
509 | [leg] | gather the "sense" read |
lecture legend legible lesson |
510 | [lega] | appoint bring send |
allege colleague delegate delegation legacy legate relegate |
511 | [lege] | choose gather pick |
elect electoral elegance elegant legion legume |
512 | [lei] | be permitted | leisure |
513 | [lemm] | received or taken for granted something taken |
dilemma lemma |
514 | [lent] | loose slack |
relent |
515 | [leo] | lion | chameleon dandelion leonard leopard |
516 | [lev] | light | alleviate irrelevant leverage levitate levity |
517 | [lev/liev] | lift up raise rise |
elevate irrelevant leaven lever levy relevant relieve |
518 | [lexi] | a word phrase saying |
lexicographer lexicology lexicon |
519 | [li] | bind hold tie |
liable liaison lien |
520 | [liber] | free | deliver liberal liberate libertine liberty livery |
521 | [liber, libr] | balance weigh |
deliberate deliberation liberate |
522 | [libr] | book | libel library |
523 | [lic] | be permitted | illicit leisure license licentious |
524 | [lict] | leave | dereliction relic relict |
525 | [lig] | choose collect gather |
diligence diligent eligible intelligent negligible |
526 | [lin] | flax | crinoline linen lining linseed |
527 | [line] | line | delineate lineal linear |
528 | [lingu] | tongue | bilingual language lingo linguist linguistics |
529 | [linqu] | abandon leave |
delinquency delinquent relinquish |
530 | [lip] | leave | eclipse ellipse elliptical |
531 | [liter] | letter | alliteration literacy literary literature obliterate |
532 | [lith] | stone | lithography megalith monolith |
533 | [liver] | free | delivery |
534 | [loc] | place | allocate dislocate locality locate locomotion relocation |
535 | [locut] | speak talk |
circumlocution elocution interlocutor |
536 | [log] | reason speech word |
analogy apology catalog dialogue epilogue eulogy illogical logic logistics monologue neologism prologue syllogism |
537 | [logy] | study of (suffix) | criminology etymology genealogy geology theology |
538 | [long] | long | elongate longevity longitude oblong prolong purloin |
539 | [loqu] | speak talk |
eloquent loquacious obloquy soliloquy ventriloquist |
540 | [lot] | wash | lotion |
541 | [loy] | bind | alloy |
542 | [luc] | light shine |
elucidate lucid lucifer pellucid translucent |
543 | [luct] | struggle wrestle |
reluctant |
544 | [lud] | laugh mock play sport |
allude collude delude interlude ludicrous prelude |
545 | [lug] | wash | deluge |
546 | [lum] | light | illuminate luminary |
547 | [lum/lus] | light | illuminate. illustrate lackluster luminary |
548 | [lun] | moon | lunacy lunar lunate lunatic lunation |
549 | [lus] | laugh mock play sport |
allusion collusion delusion elusive illusion |
550 | [lustr] | enlighten light |
illustrate lackluster luster lustrous |
551 | [lut] | wash | ablution dilute dilution pollute |
552 | [macro] | large (prefix) | macrocosm macrophage macroscopic |
553 | [magn] | great | magnanimous magnate magnificent magnify magnitude magnum |
554 | [mal] | bad evil (prefix) ill wrong |
maladroit malcontent malediction malfeasance malfunction |
555 | [man] | hand | emancipate manacles manifest manipulate |
556 | [mand] | command order |
command countermand demand mandamus mandate remand |
557 | [mania] | madness | kleptomania maniac maniacal megalomania pyromania |
558 | [mans] | dwell stay |
manor manse mansion permanent remain |
559 | [mar] | pool the sea |
aquamarine marina marinate marine mariner maritime marsh rosemary |
560 | [mater] | mother | maternal |
561 | [matr] | mother | maternal matriarch matriculate matrimony matron metropolis |
562 | [mb] | shadow | somber |
563 | [mean] | drive threaten |
demeanor misdemeanor |
564 | [medi] | between middle |
immediately median mediate mediator medieval mediocre mediterranean medium |
565 | [medit] | contemplate ponder |
mediator meditate meditation |
566 | [mega] | great (prefix) large |
megalith |
567 | [megalo] | great large (prefix) |
megalomania megalomyx |
568 | [melo] | song | melodious melodrama melody |
569 | [memor] | mindful remembering |
commemorate memento memoir memorable memorize memory |
570 | [mena] | drive threaten |
amenable demeanor menace promenade |
571 | [mend] | defect fault |
amend amendment emendation mendacious mendacity |
572 | [mens] | measure | commensurate dimension immense measure mensuration |
573 | [mer] | lake | marsh mere mermaid |
574 | [merg] | dip sink to plunge |
emerge emergence merge submerge |
575 | [meri] | deserve earn |
merit meritocracy meritorious |
576 | [meta] | after along with among change (prefix) |
metaphor metaphysical metastasis |
577 | [meter] | measure | barometer diameter geometry perimeter thermometer |
578 | [metr] | measure | geometry metric symmetry trigonometry |
579 | [metro] | mother | metropolis |
580 | [micro] | small | microbe microcosm microscopic |
581 | [migr] | wander | emigrate immigrate migrant migratory |
582 | [milit] | soldier | miles militant military militia |
583 | [min] | project | eminence eminent imminent preeminent prominent |
584 | [minn] | diminish lessen make small |
diminish diminution diminutive miniature minuet minute |
585 | [minor] | less | minority |
586 | [minut] | diminish lessen make small |
diminution minuet minuscule minute |
587 | [mir] | behold look wonder at |
admire marvel miracle mirage mirror |
588 | [mis] | hate | misanthrope misogamy misogyny misoneism |
589 | [miss] | send (wcity) | admit admittedly commissar commission commitment committee compromise demise dismissal emissary emission emit inadmissible intermission intermittent messenger missile missionary missive noncommittal omission permissible permitted premise promise remiss remittance submission surmise. transmit |
590 | [mistl] | twig | mistletoe |
591 | [mit] | send throw |
admit commit emit intermittent omit permit remit submit transmit |
592 | [mod] | manner measure way |
bimodal commode commodity modality mode model modest modify modulate |
593 | [moder] | manner measure mode |
immoderate moderate modern |
594 | [mol] | heap mass |
demolish mole molecule |
595 | [moll] | soft | emollient mollify mollusk |
596 | [mon] | advise remind warn |
admonish admonition monitor monster monument premonition summon |
597 | [monit] | advise remind warn |
admonition monition monitor premonition |
598 | [mono] | one single |
monarch monocle monogram monologue |
599 | [monstr] | point out show |
demonstrate demonstrative muster remonstrate |
600 | [mor] | foolish | sophomore sophomoric |
601 | [mori] | die | moribund |
602 | [moron] | stupid | moronic |
603 | [morph] | form shape |
amorphous anthropomorphic metamorphosis morphine morphology |
604 | [mors] | bite | mordacity morsel remorse |
605 | [mort] | death | immortality mortal mortify rigor mortis |
606 | [mot] | move | commotion emotional momentarily motivate motive motor promoter remote |
607 | [mount] | hill mountain |
amount insurmountable mountaineer paramount tantamount |
608 | [mov] | move | momentum move movement |
609 | [mult] | many much |
multifarious multilingual multiply multitude |
610 | [mun] | a gift achievement |
commune excommunicate munificent remunerate |
611 | [muni] | functions official duties |
communicate communism immunity |
612 | [mut] | change | commute mutable mutation mutual permutation |
613 | [narr] | relate tell |
narrate narrative narrator unnarratable |
614 | [nasc] | be born | nascent |
615 | [nat] | born | cognate good-natured innate international naive nascent natal nationality nativity renaissance supernatural unnatural |
616 | [nau] | sailor ship |
astronaut nausea nauseate nautical |
617 | [nav] | ship | circumnavigate naval nave navigable navigate navy |
618 | [nec] | kill | necrology necrophobia pernicious |
619 | [necro] | dead body death kill |
necrology necrophagia necropsy |
620 | [nect] | bind | connection connectivity disconnect interconnect |
621 | [neg] | deny | abnegation negative renegade renege |
622 | [negat] | deny | abnegation negate negation negative |
623 | [neo] | new | neophyte |
624 | [neur] | nerve | neural neuralgia neuritis neurotic |
625 | [nic] | death harm |
pernicious |
626 | [nihil] | nothing | annihilate nihilism |
627 | [noc] | harm hurt |
innocent innocuous obnoxious |
628 | [noct] | night | noctambulist nocturn nocturnal |
629 | [nom] | name term |
binomial misnomer polynomial |
630 | [nom(y)] | law system of laws |
agronomy astronomy autonomy economy |
631 | [nomen] | name | nomenclature |
632 | [nomin] | name nominal |
denominate ignominy nominate |
633 | [non] | not (prefix) | nonchalant nonexistent nonfiction nonpartisan nonsense |
634 | [nost] | a return home | nostalgia |
635 | [not] | know | annotate connote denote notary notice notify notion notorious |
636 | [not(a)] | mark | annotate denotation denote notable note |
637 | [nounc] | declare tell |
announce denounce pronounce renounce |
638 | [nov] | new | innovate nova novel novelty novice renovation |
639 | [nox] | hurt | noxious obnoxious |
640 | [null] | none nothing |
annul nullification nullify |
641 | [numer] | number | enumerate innumerable numeral numerous supernumerary |
642 | [nunci] | bring tidings declare tell |
enunciate nuncio |
643 | [nur] | feed nourish |
nursary nurse nurture |
644 | [nutr] | feed nourish |
nurse nurture nutriment nutritious nutritive |
645 | [nym] | name | acronym antonym eponym pseudonym synonym |
646 | [ob] | against on over to toward |
oblique obtuse |
647 | [oc] | against on over to toward |
occurrence |
648 | [oct] | eight | octagon octopus |
649 | [octav] | eight | octave |
650 | [ocul] | eye | binoculars inoculate monocle ocular oculist |
651 | [odi] | hate ill-will |
annoy odious odium |
652 | [ombr] | shade | somber sombrero |
653 | [omni] | all | omnibus omnificent omnipotent omnipresent omniscient omnivore |
654 | [ompt] | buy take |
prompt |
655 | [oner] | burden | exonerate onerous |
656 | [onym] | name | anonymous homonym synonym |
657 | [op] | against on over to toward |
opposite opposition |
658 | [oper] | work | cooperation opera operate |
659 | [operi] | cover hide |
cover covert |
660 | [opt] | see sight |
optical optician |
661 | [opul] | wealth | opulence opulent |
662 | [or] | address pray |
adore inexorable oracle oratory orison peroration |
663 | [orat] | address pray speak |
adoration oration orator oratory |
664 | [ord] | begin weave |
primordial |
665 | [ordin] | arrange order rank regulate |
co-ordinate disorder inordinate order orderly ordinance ordinary ordination subordinate |
666 | [orium] | a place for (suffix) | auditorium |
667 | [orn] | adorn furnish |
adorn ornament ornate suborn |
668 | [ortho] | correct straight |
orthodontist orthodox orthoepy orthography |
669 | [oss] | bone | osseous ossification ossify |
670 | [oste] | bone | osteopathy osteoporosis |
671 | [pac] | peace | compact pacifist pacify |
672 | [paen] | almost (prefix) | peninsula |
673 | [pair] | get ready set |
repair |
674 | [paleo] | ancient (prefix) | paleontology |
675 | [palp] | feel | palpable palpitate palpitation |
676 | [pan] | bread | company panatella pancake pannier panniers pantry |
677 | [pand] | spread out | expand |
678 | [pans] | spread out | expanse expansive |
679 | [par] | equal | disparage disparate disparity parimutuel parity peer peerage |
680 | [para] | at or to one side of beside beyond past by (prefix) |
parabola parachute paradox paragraph paraphrase parasite |
681 | [pari] | come in sight | apparition |
682 | [pars] | part | parcel parse |
683 | [part] | divide part separate share |
apartheid apartment compartment depart impartial parcel partial particle partisan partition portion repartee tripartite |
684 | [pass] | step | compass encompass impassable pace passage passenger passport password surpass trespass |
685 | [pat] | endure feel suffer |
compassion compatible impatience passive patient |
686 | [pater] | father | paternity |
687 | [path] | feel suffer |
antipathy apathy pathetic pathos sympathizer sympathy |
688 | [patr] | father | expatriate patriarch patrician patriotism patron patronize |
689 | [pau] | few | paucity |
690 | [peac] | peace | peaceful |
691 | [peas] | peace | appease |
692 | [pecc] | sin | impeccable peccable peccadillo peccant |
693 | [pect] | breast chest |
expectorate pectoral |
694 | [pecu] | money | impecunious peculate pecuniary |
695 | [ped] | child | pedagogue pedagogy pedantic pediatrician |
696 | [peer] | equal | peerage |
697 | [pel-pell] | drive urge |
compel dispel expel repel repellent |
698 | [pel/pul] | drive urge |
expulsion propel pulsate repulsive |
699 | [pell] | fur skin |
pelisse pell pellicle pelt surplice |
700 | [pen] | pain punishment |
impune impunity penal penalty penitent punish repent subpoena |
701 | [pend] | hang pay weigh |
append expend impending pendent pendulum stipend suspend |
702 | [pens] | hang pay weigh |
compensate dispense inexpensive pension pensive propensity suspension |
703 | [penta] | five (prefix) | pentagon pentathlon |
704 | [per] | thoroughly through utterly very (prefix) |
perceive perfect perturb peruse pervade pervert |
705 | [peri] | around (prefix) | perigee perimeter peripheral |
706 | [pet(it)] | ask attack fall rush at seek strive |
appetite compete competent competitor impetuous impetus perpetual petition petulant propitious repeat |
707 | [petr] | rock stone |
peter petrify petroleum pier |
708 | [phan] | appear bring to light show |
diaphanous epiphany fancy fantastic fantasy phantom |
709 | [phen] | appear shine show |
phenomena phenomenal phenomenon |
710 | [phil] | fond loving |
bibliophile francophile philanderer philanthropy philatelist philodendron philology philosophy philter |
711 | [phobia] | fear | acrophobia claustrophobia hydrophobia xenophobia |
712 | [phon] | sound | cacophony euphonious megaphone phonic symphony telephone |
713 | [phor] | bringing carry |
metaphor phosphorus semaphore |
714 | [phos] | light | phosphorous |
715 | [phot] | light | photogenic photography photon |
716 | [physi] | natural science nature |
physics physiography physiologist physiology |
717 | [pict] | paint | depict picture picturesque |
718 | [plac] | please | complacent displeasure implacable placate placebo placid pleasant |
719 | [plaud] | clap strike |
applaud explode plaudit plausible |
720 | [plaus] | clap strike |
plausible |
721 | [ple] | fill | complement complementary complete completion implement supplement |
722 | [plen] | fill | plenary plenty replenish |
723 | [plet] | fill full |
complete depletion expletive plethora replete |
724 | [pli] | bend fold |
apply compliant imply pliable reply suppliant |
725 | [plic] | bend embrace fold |
accomplice applicant complicity duplicate explicate explicit implement implicate implicit imply multiplication replica simplicity supplicate |
726 | [plod] | clap | explode implode |
727 | [plor] | cry out wail |
deplore exploration implore |
728 | [ploy] | fold | deployment |
729 | [plur] | more | plural plurality |
730 | [ply] | fold | imply |
731 | [pneuma] | air breath wind |
pneumatic |
732 | [pneumon] | breath lung |
pneumonia |
733 | [pod] | foot | chiropodist podiatrist podium tripod |
734 | [poign] | point prick |
poignant |
735 | [pol] | make sooth | apology interpolate polish polite |
736 | [polis] | city | acropolis. necropolis megalopolis metropolis |
737 | [poll] | (hair of the) head top of the tree |
poll poll tax pollster |
738 | [poly] | many (prefix) | polygamy polyhedron polymer polynomial |
739 | [pon] | place put |
component exponent opponent postpone |
740 | [popul] | people | populace popular populate |
741 | [port] | bear bring carry |
comport deport export import opportune portable portage porter portfolio portico portmanteau purport report support transport |
742 | [portio] | part share |
apportion portion proportion |
743 | [pos] | place put |
expose juxtapose proposition repository |
744 | [posit] | place put settle |
composition deposit impose imposition impostor repository |
745 | [poss] | be able have power |
dispossess posse possessive possibility |
746 | [post] | after (prefix) | posterity posthumous postpone preposterous |
747 | [poster] | coming after following |
anterior posterior posterity preposterous |
748 | [pot] | drink | potable potation potion pottage |
749 | [potent] | potent powerful |
impotent omnipotent potent potentate potential |
750 | [pov] | poor | impoverish poverty |
751 | [pre] | before in advance (prefix) |
precaution - 6 predict - 5 predominant - 6 prejudice-5 premature - 8 preoccupation - 8 presume - 7 prevail - 7 |
752 | [preci] | price value |
appreciation depreciate praise precious |
753 | [prehend] | grasp seize take |
apprehend apprehensive comprehend reprehensible |
754 | [press] | press strain |
compress depressive expressive impression pressure |
755 | [preti] | price | appraise appreciable appreciation depreciate |
756 | [prim] | first | primarily primer primeval primitive primogeniture |
757 | [pris] | grasp hold seize |
comprise enterprise prison reprisal surprise |
758 | [priv] | deprive separate single |
deprive privacy private privilege privy |
759 | [pro] | before forward in favor of (prefix) in front of |
proclaim - 6 prognosticate - hs progressive - 7 projection - 8 promotion - 8 proposal - 7 prospect - 5 provoke - 7 |
760 | [prob] | excellent honest |
probity |
761 | [propri] | one's own peculiar select |
appropriate proper property proprietary propriety |
762 | [proto] | first | protagonist protocol protoplasm prototype protozoan |
763 | [provis] | provide | provision proviso |
764 | [proxim] | nearest very near |
approximate proximity proxy |
765 | [prud] | foresee | jurisprudence provide prude prudent |
766 | [psych] | mind soul spirit |
psychic psychoanalysis psychology psychopath |
767 | [public] | of the people public |
publicize republic |
768 | [pud] | blush feel shame |
impudent repudiate |
769 | [pugn] | fight | impugn pugilism pugilist pugnacious repugnant |
770 | [puls] | drive urge |
compulsive compulsory expulsion impulsive pulse repulsion |
771 | [pun] | pain punishment |
impunity punitive |
772 | [punct] | point prick |
compunction punctilious punctual punctuate puncture |
773 | [pung] | point prick |
expunge pungent |
774 | [put] | cleanse lop off prune trim |
amputate |
775 | [pyr] | fire | empyrean pyre pyromania pyrometer pyrosis pyrotechnics |
776 | [quadr] | fourfold square |
quadrangle quadrant quadrilateral quadrille quadruped quadruple squadron |
777 | [quaint] | know | acquaint acquaintance quaint reacquaint |
778 | [qual] | of what sort or kind | qualify quality |
779 | [quarant] | forty | quarantine |
780 | [quart] | fourth | quarter quarterly quartet |
781 | [quer] | ask seek |
conquer querulous query |
782 | [quest] | ask seek |
conquest inquest questionable questionnaire request |
783 | [quies] | quiet rest |
acquiesce acquiescence quiescent |
784 | [quiet] | quiet rest |
acquit quietness quietude requite tranquil |
785 | [quint] | five | quinta quintet quintile quintuple |
786 | [quir] | ask seek |
acquire enquire exquisite inquisitive perquisite require |
787 | [quir/quis] | ask seek |
acquire exquisite inquisitive require |
788 | [quis] | ask seek |
conquistador exquisite inquisitive perquisite |
789 | [quit] | quiet rest |
acquittal |
790 | [quot] | how many | quota quotation quote quotient |
791 | [rab] | madness rage |
rabble rabid rage |
792 | [radi] | ray shine |
irradiate radiant radioactivity radius |
793 | [radic] | root | eradicate radical radicchio radish |
794 | [ram] | branch | ramification ramify |
795 | [rap] | grasp seize |
rapacious rapid rapidity rapine |
796 | [rapt] | seize | raptores rapture |
797 | [ras] | scrape | abrasion erase rase rasorial razor |
798 | [rat] | calculate determine settle think |
rate ratification ratify ratio ration rational |
799 | [rav] | bear away | ravine ravish |
800 | [raz] | scrape | razor |
801 | [re] | again back (prefix) |
rebellious - 7 recognition - 6 reflect - 5 rehabilitation - 8 reliable - 6 respiration - 8 reunion - 7 revive - 6 |
802 | [rect] | right ruled straight |
correct direct erect rectangle rectify rectitude rector |
803 | [refer] | bring back carry back |
referee reference referendum relate |
804 | [reg] | govern rule |
regalia regency regent regimen regiment region regional |
805 | [regis] | list matters recorded |
register registrable |
806 | [regul] | a rule | regular regulate |
807 | [relat] | bring back carry back |
correlate correlation relation |
808 | [relatio] | carry back | relationship |
809 | [rend] | give up | render rendezvous surrender |
810 | [rept] | creep seize snatch |
reptile surreptitious |
811 | [retro] | backward (prefix) | retroactive |
812 | [rever] | to stand in awe of; fear | revere reverence reverend |
813 | [rid] | laugh | deride ridicule ridiculous |
814 | [ris] | laugh | derision derisory risible |
815 | [riv] | brook stream |
derivation derive rival rivulet |
816 | [rod] | eat gnaw |
corrode corrosion erode erosion rodent |
817 | [rog] | ask demand |
abrogate arrogant interrogate rogue surrogate |
818 | [rogat] | ask demand |
abrogate derogatory interrogate prerogative surrogate |
819 | [rot] | wheel | rotary rotate rototiller |
820 | [rou] | red | rouge |
821 | [roy] | king rule |
corduroy pomeroy royalty viceroy |
822 | [rub] | red | erubescent rubella rubicund rubric ruby |
823 | [rud] | crude raw rough |
erudite rude rudiment rudimentary |
824 | [rupt] | break burst |
abrupt bankrupt corrupt disrupt erupt interruption rupture |
825 | [sacr] | holy sacred |
consecrate desecrate sacrament sacred sacrifice sacrilege |
826 | [sag] | perceive seek out |
presage sagacious sagacity sage sagittarius |
827 | [sain] | holy sacred |
saintly |
828 | [sal] | salt | salad salary saline salinity salinization saltwater |
829 | [salut] | health | salubrious salutary salute |
830 | [salv] | save | salvage salvation salve |
831 | [san] | heal | sanatory sanitarium sanity |
832 | [sanct] | holy sacred |
sanctify sanctimony sanction sanctity sanctuary |
833 | [sangui] | blood | consanguinity sangfroid sanguinary sanguine |
834 | [sanit] | health | sanitarium sanitary sanitation sanitize sanity |
835 | [sap] | taste to be wise |
insipid sapid sapien sapient savor |
836 | [satis] | enough sufficient |
insatiable satiate satisfaction satisfy saturate unsatisfactory |
837 | [satur] | enough | saturate unsaturated |
838 | [sault] | leap spring forward |
assault exult insult result somersault |
839 | [scend] | climb | ascend condescend descend transcend |
840 | [sci] | know | conscientious conscious omniscient plebiscite prescience science scientific subconscious unconscionable |
841 | [scope] | see watch |
gyroscope horoscope periscope stethoscope |
842 | [scrib] | write | ascribe describe inscribe prescribe proscribe scribble subscribe transcribe |
843 | [script] | write | conscript descriptive inscription script scripture. postscript subscription transcript |
844 | [scrut] | examine search into carefully |
inscrutable scrutiny |
845 | [scur] | conceal cover |
obscure |
846 | [se] | apart without (prefix) |
secede sedition seduce segregate sequester |
847 | [sec] | follow | secondary |
848 | [sect] | cut | dissect insect intersect secant section |
849 | [secu/sequ] | follow | consecutive inconsequential prosecute sequel |
850 | [secut] | follow | consecutive execute persecute prosecute |
851 | [sed] | settle sit |
sedate sedentary sediment supersede |
852 | [self] | by oneself (prefix) | selfish |
853 | [sell] | sees take |
consulate consult consultancy consultation |
854 | [sembl] | appear be like seem |
assembly dissemble reassemble resemble semblance |
855 | [semi] | half | semester semicolon semiconscious semiprecious semiskilled |
856 | [semin] | seed sow |
disseminate seminal seminar seminary |
857 | [sen] | old | senate senescent seneschal senile senior sire |
858 | [sens] | feel perceive think |
consensus nonsense sensation sense sensible sensory sensual |
859 | [sent] | be aware feel think |
assent consent dissent presentiment resent sentence sentiment |
860 | [sequ] | follow | consequent obsequious sequel sequence sequester subsequent |
861 | [ser] | a row bind connect join order put |
dissertation serial serialize series |
862 | [seri] | grave serious |
serious |
863 | [sert] | bind join put |
assert concert desert dissertation exert insert |
864 | [serv] | keep protect serve |
conservation conservatory deserve observe preserve reserve |
865 | [sesqui] | one and a half | sesquicentennial sesquipedalian |
866 | [sess] | be still sit |
obsession session |
867 | [sever] | grave serious strict |
asseverate perseverance persevere severe severity |
868 | [sext] | sixth | sexagenarian sextant sextuple |
869 | [sid] | settle sit |
assiduous dissident insidious preside presidency residue subside subsidy |
870 | [sider] | star | consider consideration reconsider |
871 | [sign] | mark | assignment designate designer insignia insignificant resignation signal signature signify |
872 | [silic] | flint | silicate silicify |
873 | [simil] | like make like together |
assimilate dissimilar similarity simile simulate |
874 | [simul] | at the same time make like |
simulate simultaneous |
875 | [sinu] | bend curve fold |
cosine insinuate sinuous |
876 | [sipa] | throw | dissipate |
877 | [sir] | heavenly body star |
desiderate desirous undesirable |
878 | [sist] | place to stand |
assist consist desist exist insist persist resist subsist |
879 | [soci] | companion partner |
associate association socialism society sociologist |
880 | [sol] | the sun | parasol solar solstice |
881 | [solut] | loosen | absolute dissolute resolution soluble solution |
882 | [solv] | loosen release |
absolve dissolve insolvent resolve |
883 | [somn] | sleep | insomnia somnambulist somnolence somnolent |
884 | [son] | sound | consonant dissonance resonance sonata sonorous unison |
885 | [soph] | wisdom wise |
philosopher philosophy sophistication sophistry |
886 | [sort] | kind lot |
assort assortment consort sorcerer sorcery sort |
887 | [sorti] | escape go out leave |
resort |
888 | [spe(r)] | hope | prosper prosperity |
889 | [speci] | kind sort |
special species specify spice |
890 | [spect] | appear look see |
circumspect expectant expectorant expectorate inspection perspective respect species specimen spectacle spectator spectrum |
891 | [sper] | scatter sprinkle strew |
aspersion disperse intersperse |
892 | [sphere] | sphere | atmosphere hemisphere spherical spheroid stratosphere |
893 | [spic] | look at see |
conspicuous despicable inauspicious perspicuity suspicious |
894 | [spir] | breathe | aspire conspire expire inspire perspire respiration spirit transpire |
895 | [spond] | answer pledge promise |
correspondence despondency despondent respond |
896 | [spons] | answer promise |
response responsible sponsor unresponsive |
897 | [sta] | stand | constant ecstasy establish obstacle stability stamina standard |
898 | [stant] | stand | circumstance constant distant instant stanchion stanza substance |
899 | [stat] | stand | state statue stature status |
900 | [statut] | establish place put set stand |
constitute destitute institute statute substitute |
901 | [stell] | star | constellation stellar |
902 | [stereo] | solid | stereophonic stereotype |
903 | [stern] | spread (out) stretch out |
sternum stratosphere stratum substrate |
904 | [stigm] | brand mark prick |
stigma stigmatize |
905 | [stimul] | excite prick |
stimulant stimulate stimulation |
906 | [stinc] | brand mark prick |
distinctive instinct |
907 | [stingu] | pierce prick quench |
distinguishable extinguish |
908 | [stit] | stand | constituent destination destitute institution obstinate solstice substitute superstition superstitious |
909 | [strain] | bind draw tight |
constraint restrain |
910 | [stri] | build | industrious |
911 | [strict] | bind draw tight |
boa-constrictor constrict district restrict strict |
912 | [string] | bind draw tight |
astringent stringent |
913 | [strix] | screech owl | strident stridor stridulate |
914 | [strophe] | a twist turn |
apostrophe catastrophe catastrophic |
915 | [stru] | arrange build |
construe instrument |
916 | [struct] | arrange build |
construction destructive instruct obstruct structure |
917 | [stup] | be amazed | stupefy stupendous stupid |
918 | [suad] | persuade recommend |
assuage dissuade persuade persuasive suave |
919 | [suav] | sweet | suave |
920 | [sub] | below (prefix) under |
subconscious - 8 subdue - 7 submarine - 6 submission - 8 subscribe - 7 substance - 6 subterranean - 6 suppress - 7 |
921 | [suf] | below from under (prefix) |
sufficient |
922 | [sult] | leap spring forward |
consultation desultory exult exultant insult result |
923 | [sum] | take | assume consume presume resume |
924 | [summ] | highest | consummate summit |
925 | [sumpt] | take | assumption consumption presume |
926 | [sumptu] | expense | sumptuary sumptuous |
927 | [sup] | down under |
support suppress |
928 | [super] | above over |
sovereign superb superficial superior supernatural supreme |
929 | [sur] | above in addition (prefix) over upon |
surface surfeit surpass surrender surround |
930 | [surg] | rise | insurgent resurgent source surge |
931 | [surrect] | rise | insurrection resurrection |
932 | [sus] | below under |
susceptible suspect suspend sustain |
933 | [sym] | together (prefix) | symbiosis symbol symmetrical symmetry sympathetic symphony symposium |
934 | [syn] | together with (prefix) |
synchronize syncopation syndicate synonym synonymous synopsis syntax synthesis synthesizer synthetic |
935 | [tac] | be silent | reticent tacit. taciturn |
936 | [tact] | touch | contact intact tactful tactile |
937 | [tag] | arrange put in order |
tactical tactician tactics |
938 | [tain] | hold | detain entertain maintain obtain pertain retain sustain |
939 | [tali] | compensation in kind | retaliation |
940 | [tang] | touch | contagious contiguous contingent tangent tangential tangible taxable |
941 | [tard] | slow | retard retardant tardy |
942 | [tast] | touch | distasteful tasteless |
943 | [techn] | art | pyrotechnics technical technology |
944 | [tect] | cover protect |
detect protection toga |
945 | [teg] | touch | disintegrate integer integral integrate integrity |
946 | [tege] | cover protect |
protect protege |
947 | [tele] | far | telepathy telephone telescope |
948 | [temn] | scorn slight |
contempt contemptible contemptuous |
949 | [templ] | temple | contemplate contemplation contemplative |
950 | [tempor] | time | contemporary extemporaneous temporal temporary temporize |
951 | [ten] | hold keep |
content detention lieutenant retentive tenacious tenacity tenant tenet tenor tenure untenable |
952 | [tend] | reach stretch |
attend bartender distend extend portend pretend superintend tendency tender tendon |
953 | [tens] | strain stretch |
hypotenuse intensity pretense tense tensile tension |
954 | [tent] | reach stretch |
attention contentious detente detention intent ostentation unpretentious |
955 | [tenu] | make thin | attenuate extenuate tenuity tenuous |
956 | [termin] | boundary end limit |
determine exterminate terminal terminology |
957 | [terr] | earth ground land |
inter subterranean terrain terrestrial territory |
958 | [test] | witness | attest contest detest intestate protest testify testimony |
959 | [testat] | make a will | intestate testament testator |
960 | [text] | a web plaited texture woven |
context pretext textile texture |
961 | [the] | God | atheist |
962 | [therm] | heat warm |
isotherm thermal thermocouple thermometer thermos thermostat |
963 | [tic] | be silent | reticent |
964 | [tig] | contact touch |
contiguous |
965 | [tim] | fear | intimidate timid timidity timorous |
966 | [tin] | hold keep |
abstinence continent discontinuity impertinent pertinent |
967 | [ting] | contact touch |
contingency contingent |
968 | [toler] | bear put up with |
tolerance |
969 | [tom] | cut | anatomy atom dichotomy epitome lobotomy tome tracheotomy |
970 | [tomy] | cutting incision |
appendectomy dichotomy lithotomy lobotomy tracheotomy |
971 | [ton] | thunder tone |
astonish detonate |
972 | [torn] | thunder turn |
attorney tornado tornillo |
973 | [torp] | numb stiff |
torpid torpor |
974 | [torr] | burn dry parch |
toast torrent torrential torrid torridly |
975 | [tort] | twist wring |
contort contortionist extort retort torch torment tortoise tortuous |
976 | [tox] | poison | antitoxin endotoxin intoxicate toxic toxicology |
977 | [tract] | draw pull |
abstract attractive contract distraction distraught entreat intractable portrait portrayal protract retraction traction |
978 | [trad] | betray deliver |
betray tradition traitor |
979 | [trah] | draw | portray train |
980 | [trans] | across (prefix) | transact transatlantic transcend transfer transform translate transmit transport traverse |
981 | [treat] | draw handle |
entreat mistreatment retreat treatise treaty |
982 | [trem] | tremble | tremble tremendous tremor |
983 | [trepid] | agitated trembling |
intrepid trepidation |
984 | [tri] | three | triad triangle trident triennial trio triple tripod trivial |
985 | [trib] | OR waste away family race |
or diatribe tribal tribune |
986 | [tribut] | allot allow assign pay |
attribute contribute distribute retribution tributary tribute |
987 | [tric] | entangle make trouble |
intricacy intricate intrigue trick trickery |
988 | [trop] | turn | heliotrope trophy tropical |
989 | [trud] | push thrust |
extrude intrude protrude |
990 | [trus] | push thrust |
abstruse unobtrusive |
991 | [tuit] | look after protect watch |
intuition intuitive tuition tutelage tutor |
992 | [tun] | pound shake thump thunder |
stunning |
993 | [turb] | disturb drive throw in disorder |
disturb perturb turbid turbine turbulent |
994 | [tus] | strike | contusion obtuse |
995 | [tut] | look after protect watch |
tutelage tutor tutorial |
996 | [typ] | form impression model |
archetype prototype type typical |
997 | [uber] | bear abundantly | exuberance exuberant |
998 | [ultim] | last | penultimate ultimate ultimatum |
999 | [ultra] | beyond (prefix) | ultraliberal ultramodern ultrasound ultrasuede ultraviolet |
1000 | [umbr] | shade shadow |
adumbrate penumbra umbrage umbrella |
1001 | [un] | none (prefix) not |
unanimous - 7 unattractive - 8 unconscious - 6 unfinished - 6 unnecessary - 6 unpredictable - 7 unravel - 5 unworthy - 8 |
1002 | [und] | be excessive flow overflow wave |
abound abundance inundate redound redundant undulate |
1003 | [under] | beneath (prefix) | underground understand |
1004 | [uni] | one | reunion unanimous uniformity unify unilateral unionize unique unison unite university |
1005 | [urb] | city town |
suburb urban urbane |
1006 | [urgy] | producing (suffix) working with |
metallurgy zymurgy |
1007 | [us] | use | abuse abusive peruse usurious usurp |
1008 | [ut] | use | utensil utilitarian utility utilize |
1009 | [util] | use useful |
utilitarian utility utilize |
1010 | [vac] | at leisure empty |
evacuate vacancy vacate vacation vacuous vacuum |
1011 | [vad] | advance go |
evade invade invasion pervade |
1012 | [vag] | wander | extravaganza vagabond vagrant vague |
1013 | [vail] | be strong be worth |
avail available countervail prevail |
1014 | [val] | be strong be worth |
equivalent evaluate invalid valiant valid valor value |
1015 | [van] | empty vain |
evanescent vanish vanity |
1016 | [vanq] | conquer | vanquish |
1017 | [var] | bend turn |
prevaricate variegate variety varus vary |
1018 | [vari] | diverse of many kinds |
variation variegated variety various |
1019 | [vas] | advance go |
evasion evasive invasion |
1020 | [vast] | lay waste | devastate devastation |
1021 | [veh] | bring carry |
inveigh vehement vehicle vein |
1022 | [vel] | cover veil |
reveal revelation revelator veil |
1023 | [veloc] | speed swift |
velocipede velocity velodrome |
1024 | [velop] | cover wrap |
development envelop |
1025 | [ven] | come | convene convenient covenant intervene revenue souvenir venue |
1026 | [vent] | come | advent adventure convention eventful invent prevention venture |
1027 | [ver] | true truth |
aver veracious veracity verdict verify verisimilitude verity |
1028 | [verb] | word | adverb proverbial verbal verbatim verbiage verbose |
1029 | [verd] | be green flourish |
verdant verdigris verdure |
1030 | [verer] | fear stand in awe of |
revered reverence reverencer |
1031 | [vers] | turn | adversary adverse adversity anniversary averse controversy conversation diverse diversified inverse perverse reverse traverse universal universe university versatility verse version versus |
1032 | [vert] | turn | advertise advertisement avert convert divert extrovert introvert invert revert subvert vertebra vertebrate vertex vertical vertigo vortex |
1033 | [vest] | clothe dress garment |
divest invest travesty vestment |
1034 | [veter] | old | veteran veterinarian |
1035 | [vi] | road way |
deviate devious impervious obviate obvious previous viaduct |
1036 | [via] | way | trivial viaduct |
1037 | [vic] | a change turn |
vicar vicissitude |
1038 | [vict] | conquer | conviction evict victim victimize victor |
1039 | [vid] | appear see |
evident invidious provide providential |
1040 | [vig] | lively vigor |
invigorate vigil vigilance |
1041 | [vil] | base mean |
revile vilify |
1042 | [vin] | wine | vinification vinous vintage vintner |
1043 | [vinc] | conquer | convince evince invincible provincial vanquish |
1044 | [vir] | man | triumvirate virago virile virtual virtuoso |
1045 | [viron] | a circle | environmental environs |
1046 | [viru] | poison | virulent virus |
1047 | [vis] | appear see |
improvise provisional proviso vista revise visionary visor visual |
1048 | [vit] | alive life |
revitalize vital vitality vitamin |
1049 | [viv] | alive life |
revive survive vivacious vivacity vivify viviparous vivisection |
1050 | [voc] | call voice |
advocate equivocal evoke irrevocable provoke revoke vocabulary vocalize vocation vociferous |
1051 | [vol] | will wish |
benevolent involuntary malevolent volition volunteer |
1052 | [volu] | roll turn |
convoluted evolution revolting revolutionary voluble volume voluminous |
1053 | [volv] | roll turn |
devolve evolve involve revolver |
1054 | [vor] | devour | carnivore herbivore voracious |
1055 | [vot] | a wish vow |
devotee devotional devout votary voter votive |
1056 | [vour] | eat | devour |
1057 | [voy] | way | convey convoy envoy invoice voyage |
1058 | [vulcan] | fire | vulcanize |
1059 | [vuls] | pluck tear |
convulse convulsion revulsion vulture |
1060 | [was] | be hale (Old English) | wassail |
1061 | [zo] | animal | zodiac zoography zoology zoophyte |
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