1.4.0 2018-10-01
Implemented a full support for Portamento! (Thanks to Jean Pierre Cimalando for a work!)
Added support for SysEx event handling! (Thanks to Jean Pierre Cimalando for a work!)
Added support for GS way of custom drum channels (through SysEx events)
Ignore some NRPN events and lsb bank number when using GS standard (after catching of GS Reset SysEx call)
Added support for CC66-Sostenuto controller (Pedal hold of currently-pressed notes only while CC64 holds also all next notes)
Added support for CC67-SoftPedal controller (SoftPedal lowers the volume of notes played)
Resolved a trouble which sometimes makes a junk noise sound and unnecessary overuse of chip channels
Volume models support taken from libADLMIDI has been adapted to OPN2's chip speficis
Fixed inability to play high notes due physical tone frequency out of range on the OPN2 chip
Added support for full-panning stereo option
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