A Retrofit-like Ethereum client for Android, Java, and Kotlin.
Etherspace is a type-safe Ethereum client to interact with Ethereum Smart Contract.
For example, to access greeter
smart contract from ETHEREUM » Create a digital greeter (Slightly modified because we need a setter):
contract greeter {
/* Define variable greeting of the type string */
string greeting;
/* This runs when the contract is executed */
function greeter(string _greeting) public {
greeting = _greeting;
/* Main function */
function greet() constant returns (string) {
return greeting;
/* Update greeting */
function newGreeting(string _greeting) public returns (string) {
greeting = _greeting;
return greeting;
By defining a Smart Contract interface in Kotlin / Java: (see: Smart Contract Interface)
// Kotlin
interface Greeter {
fun newGreeting(greeting: String): TransactionHash
fun greet(): String
// Java
public interface Greeter {
TransactionHash newGreeting(String greeting) throws IOException;
String greet() throws IOException;
Etherspace generates an implementation of Greeter
You can than use greeter
to interact with Smart Contract on Ethereum!
// Kotlin
val etherSpace = EtherSpace.build {
provider = "https://rinkeby.infura.io/" // Or your local node
credentials = Credentials(YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY_OR_WALLET)
var greeter = etherSpace.create(SMART_CONTRACT_ADDRESS, Greeter::class.java)
val hash = greeter.newGreeting("Hello World")
val receipt = hash.requestTransactionReceipt<TransactionReceipt>()
println(greeter.greet()) // Should be "Hello World"
// Java
EtherSpace etherSpace = new EtherSpace.Builder()
.provider("https://rinkeby.infura.io/") // Or your local node
.credentials(new Credentials(YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY_OR_WALLET))
Greeter greeter = etherSpace.create(SMART_CONTRACT_ADDRESS, Greeter.class);
TransactionHash hash = greeter.newGreeting("Hello World");
TransactionReceipt receipt = hash.requestTransactionReceipt();
System.out.println(greeter.greet()); // Should be "Hello World"
- Java / Kotlin: etherspace-java-example
- Android: etherspace-android-example
repositories { ... maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' } // should be the last entry } dependencies { ... // JDK 8 compile 'cc.etherspace.etherspace-java:etherspace-java:{version}' // Android implementation 'cc.etherspace.etherspace-java:etherspace-android:{version}' }
<repositories> <repository> <id>jitpack.io</id> <url>https://jitpack.io</url> </repository> </repositories> <!-- JDK 8 --> <dependency> <groupId>cc.etherspace.etherspace-java</groupId> <artifactId>etherspace-java</artifactId> <version>{version}</version> </dependency> <!-- Android --> <dependency> <groupId>cc.etherspace.etherspace-java</groupId> <artifactId>etherspace-android</artifactId> <version>{version}</version> </dependency>
Please submit issues or pull requests for bugs and features, or contact me at tempo@zaoo.com. Any feedback is welcome!
- Etherspace is built with Kotlin.
- Built on top of web3j.
- Inspired by Retrofit.
- Included libraries:
- web3j: https://github.com/web3j/web3j
- kotlin-unsigned: https://github.com/kotlin-graphics/kotlin-unsigned
- jackson: https://github.com/FasterXML/jackson
- guava: https://github.com/google/guava