Twitch bots written using .NET 8.0/C# and TwitchLib, It implements a WPF GUI, user settings are saved to user/App Data, and data grids (tables) show the data saved to the database (xml datagram) file and future support may include SQL databases for storage.
This bot utilizes TwitchLib containing the LiveStreamMonitorService.
A user can use an existing Twitch channel user name or establish a new channel user account (recommended) as a bot. The application has further detail about how to get a 'client id' and 'access token'.
The user can add:
- Discord links (current support, additional upon request) to post Twitch Channels going live
- Message to display/send to Discord/social media, a tooltip shows the keyword variables per the user to include in the message
- Channel Names - a list of channels to monitor for going live, and can be adjusted while the bot is active
- Live Stream Stats - can view/edit the data the bot monitors, disabled while the bot is active (the updates don't refresh and crash the GUI)
(documentation updated periodically, may not reflect actual current feature set)
Features: This bot utilizes TwitchLib.
The user can attach the bot to their channel for interacting with viewers through chat commands, repeating command timers, and responses to channel events.
Twitch Chat bot
Twitch Live bot
Twitch Follower bot
Twitch "Clip" bot
Twitch PubSub Bot
App Services Bot
- Media Overlay Server
(future scalability) the app setup allows adding more Twitch bots (different Twitch functions) and other platforms
- TBD, next featured bot
Database management to organize:
- viewers to a channel (supporting watch-time type commands)
- followers to a channel (supporting follow age type commands)
- a viewer list to auto shout out viewers when they are first recognized as arrived in the channel
- Statistics for the current live stream
- save basic statistics for incoming raid users, and outgoing raids
- Responses to events occuring in the channel:
- Messages to viewer actions and events: welcome a viewer message, incoming raids, subscriptions and resubscriptions, gifted subscriptions, bits (Twitch), new follower, hosting messages, and going live messages
- Command system
- built-in commands with editable response messages, includes social media link messages, uptime, watchtime, all commands list, and shout-out users
- user-defined commands - set your own messages
- types:
- a simple text message, with certain variables to customize the message (e.g. refer to the viewer who called the command)
- a data retrieval message - some implementation, currently updating and coding; to allow user customization for a data return message, define your own messages to get data returned from the database through a command message
- repeat timers - repeat any of the above messages per defined seconds
- Currency system - your viewers earn virtual currency to use in (future) chat games
- Currency games (future feature) - using currency earned from watching
- Overlay System - customize alerts to appear in stream overlay based on selected events
Options to manage bot actions (enable or disable):
saving bot authentication tokens, with a reminder for refreshing the token
(future feature?) automatically update Twitch access tokens
App Features:
- Manage channel viewers - saving in the database
- Manage channel followers - saving in the database
- Save stats for each live stream, including the current stream
- Save stats for incoming stream raid users
- Notify the channel when the bot connects
- Post go live messages to social media
- currently to Discord webhooks
- additional as requested (and possible)
- Repeat commands on a timer (in seconds)
- all the time
- only when live
- slow down repeating when channel is slow (few viewers or chats in a timeframe)
- Welcome viewers (only once per live stream)
- when viewer joins channel
- when viewer first chats
- Auto shout out users (once per live stream)
- when viewer first appears or chats, tied to welcoming viewers
- when viewer raids the channel
- Viewer Giveaways
- Specify Commands or Channel Points (requires PubSub bot active) for the user to enter
- Specify the user can enter 1 or more times up to a specified max limit
- Giveaway - Start, Stop, and Winner customizable messages can be sent to chat
- Manage Overlay Alerts
- First, select events such as Channel Point rewards, Commands, Channel Event (new follower, subscription, etc),
- Then, select an image and/or video to display for an amount of time
Twitch Features:
- Add "/me" to messages (i.e. italicized message)
- all messages or
- user specified selected message
- Managing follows:
- Update all followers when bot starts
- Remove non-followers from Followers table
- Notification message for new follows
- Option to refresh all followers every specified number of hours - after Follow bot starts
- Uses PubSub to listen to Channel Point Redemptions
- For Giveaways
- Future features upon request, per PubSub API
- Automatically start when app starts:
- Twitch Chat bot
- Twitch Live bot
- Twitch Follow bot
- Twitch Clip bot
- Multi-Live bot features - when Multi-Live Bot app is not started
- Add "/me" to messages (i.e. italicized message)
Twitch (some features depend on settings)
- Chat bot
- interacts with viewers during live streams through commands and events
- start and/or stop bot when stream is online or offline
- when left running, tends to the channel like thanking new followers and repeating timer commands
- Follow bot
- registers new follows to the channel
- when started: retrieves followers and removes non-followers from the database
- routinely retrieve followers and remove non-followers without restarting the follow bot
- (future feature?) message spam protection for large groups of followers
- Live bot
- registers when your channel goes live or goes offline
- monitors other channels to share when they go live
- Clip bot
- retrieves clips upon startup
- monitors channel for active clips
- option to post to chat
- option to post to Discord via Webhook
- PubSub bot
- listens to topics from Twitch to receive realtime updates
- Custom Rewards redemption (Channel Points)
- (future features) more topics available via Twitch API When Multi-Live Bot
- is running, this feature is disabled
- is not running, this feature is available and shares the same data file Note: Live bot and Multi-Live Bot read from the same file to save the channels you wish to promote their going live, the social media links for posting messages, and a tracker of the going live channels to prevent any multiple message posting (if the option is enabled).
- listens to topics from Twitch to receive realtime updates
Future features not implemented - and may not be implemented:
Currency system - currency (implemented-testing), the chat gaming side (in process)
Message spam protection: if there are a large influx of follows at a time or significant number of subscriptions; limit the number of messages
Possibly a Twitch extension to connect to the webserver, to help provide overlays when streaming e.g. Xbox or Playstation without using a capture card to overlay a camera and notifications before sending to a streaming platform
Considering options for attaching bot to a user-specified SQL database, which would be easier to manage sizes and data archives.