libYafaRay-Gui is a library with a GUI interface to access libYafaRay. libYafaRay is a free open-source montecarlo raytracing engine released under the LGPL 2.1 license. Raytracing is a rendering technique for generating realistic images by tracing the path of light through a 3D scene.
For more information, see:
libYafaRay-Gui source code is hosted in GitHub:
libYafaRay source code is hosted in GitHub:
Please use the GitHub bug tracking system to report bugs in libYafaRay-Gui instead of the YafaRay website bug tracking.
GitHub bug tracking (preferred):
YafaRay website bug tracking:
If the bug affects the general libYafaRay code and is not specific to the libYafaRay-Gui GUI itself, send the bug report to:
Thank you.
YafaRay development Team.