1 – Clone this project to www or htdocs folder with the following command 'git clone https://github.com/YanaBrewster/app-dev.git --branch master-dev'
2 – To install required packages type and enter 'npm i' into the terminal
3 – To use MongoDB, you should have a mongodb account. The URI connection string needs a username, password and cluster name with an attached id. If you do not have one, create an account and get the uri string from https://www.mongodb.com/
Copy the config-copy.json file and rename it to config.json and add your username, password and cluster name with its id.
4 - To run the project you should have installed nodemon globally. if not run 'npm install nodemon -g'
a. If using the legacy version in vagrant, type and enter 'nodemon -L index.js' in the terminal.
b. Else (if non-vagrant), type and enter 'nodemon index.js' in the terminal.
5 - To see the home page, type and enter 'localhost:3000'in your browser or use your ip address instead of localhost.