This website uses polling data provided by the WSJ coupled with census data to more accurately predict the 2016 California Primary between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.
The server uses node.js to route different queries to/from a sqlite
database and various API calls. The front end is completed with vanilla JavaScript, HTML/CSS, and D3.js.
You can visit this site through the Heroku link or by running the server locally. Due to Heroku's new free tier, it may take a few moments to fully wake up the dyno.
In order to run site, run npm install
on the needed modules, then node index.js
to start up the server.
The databases are stored in polls.db and census.db. These can be set up server side with node createDB.js
, though with the .db
files they are technically already set up.
git clone
cd predict-elections
npm install node-static
npm install sqlite3
npm install request
node createDB.js
node index.js
- Point your browser to
I took gender, age, and race into account and tried to predict what the outcome of California's voting would be. I weighed gender to only have 10% of influence on the final result, age to have 40% since most people from different age groups have drastically different opinions on controversial issues, and finally 50% for race because I feel that people are extremely affected by race, which correlates closely with peoples' upbringings.
Since this assignment focused on integrating results from the Huffington Post API, I first had the browser side execute an XMLHttpRequest
query to the server. The server
then sent a GET
request to the Huffington Post API, and waited for a result. Finally, when the Huffington Post
results returned, it sent the results back to the client. After the client finished processing the Huffington Post results, it executed another query to figure out
results for the combined model to display as well. This query also used fs
on the serverside to save results for voting percentage predictions.
Because this data pulls the 3 most recent polls, some of the top results may be out of date and/or inaccurate. Specific predictions from the time can be found in Vincent.Yang.prediction.txt.