ermmmm... the only thing thats got me fucked up is the .xdelta files. I know there are programs to apply patches with them... but there just fucking class files so imma need to somehow revert the .xdelta patch... (I have no fucking idea how to). anyone, pls help if you can, I'll update this read me to tell you how do this for all other versions, and just about any closed-source minecraft mod, but my ass is lazy so i'll do that shit later.
nvm, I fixed it, kind of.... I still need to deal with the:
/* $VF: Couldn't be decompiled. Class net/optifine/gui/GuiDetailSettingsOF wasn't processed yet! */// Please report this to the Vineflower issue tracker, at with a copy of the class file (if you have the rights to distribute it!) womp womp
nvm, I got it to work with help of this!