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1. Configuration
Ynfuien edited this page May 1, 2024
1 revision
Default config looks like this. Every setting is described so you shouldn't have a problem with what option does what.
# Database configuration.
# It's used for saving custom nicknames.
# Available types: mysql, sqlite
type: 'sqlite'
# Path for SQLite database file
path: 'database.db'
# Connection info for MySQL database type
# Host of your db
host: 'localhost'
# Default is 3306, don't touch it if you didn't change it in your db configuration
port: '3306'
# Default: 6
max-connections: 6
# Name of database
name: 'dbname'
# Login to db account
login: 'user'
# Password to db account
password: 'password'
# Count of clear lines to send to players
empty-lines: 125
# Whether to check if receiver vanished,
# if sender doesn't have 'ychatmanager.command.message.vanished' permission
check-vanish: false
# Min and max length for custom nicknames.
# Custom meaning - with permission 'ychatmanager.command.nick.custom'
# It won't apply to players with permission for unsafe nicks.
min-length: 2
max-length: 16
# Cooldowns in ticks betweeen executing commands.
# - 20 ticks = 1 second
# - Set any cooldown to 0 to disable it.
# - same-command cooldown is supposed to be higher
# than any-command cooldown. Because sending
# the same command again, is easier and quicker,
# than executing other command, so it can be used
# for spamming. If same-command cooldown, will be
# lower than any-command, then it won't have any
# effect.
# Cooldown between any command
any-command: 20
# Cooldown between the same commands,
# where different arguments equal a different command.
same-command: 40
# Show social spy in the console
console-socialspy: true
# Sound to be played on received message
enabled: true
# You can find sound list here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Sound.html
name: 'entity.arrow.hit_player'
# And category list here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/SoundCategory.html
category: 'PLAYERS'
volume: 0.8
pitch: 1
# Players displayname formatting
enabled: true
# Available placeholders:
# {nick}, {uuid}, {username}
# And if Vault is present:
# {prefix}, {suffix}, {group},
# Vault placeholders will be blank, if Vault won't be found
# (nick can be changed with a command; username will always be an original unformatted name)
# You can also use PAPI placeholders, and MiniMessage formatting.
format: "{prefix}{nick}{suffix}"
change: false
# Available placeholders:
# {nick}, {uuid}, {username}, {displayname}
# And if Vault is present:
# {prefix}, {suffix}, {group},
# Set empty ('') to disable join message
# You can also use PAPI placeholders, and MiniMessage formatting.
format: '<yellow>{displayname}<reset> <yellow>joined the game!</yellow>'
change: false
# Available placeholders:
# {nick}, {uuid}, {username}, {displayname}
# And if Vault is present:
# {prefix}, {suffix}, {group},
# Set empty ('') to disable quit message
# You can also use PAPI placeholders, and MiniMessage formatting.
format: '<yellow>{displayname}<reset> <yellow>left the game!</yellow>'
enabled: true
# Chat type that you want to have. There are two options available:
# 1. player:
# - default type
# - messages still have signatures and can be reported
# - if message is changed (using formats, anti-flood/swear etc.),
# then there will appear a hover message about it, also
# containing the original content
# 2. server:
# - sent messages will be cancelled and resent by the server
# - this will remove chat signatures and therefore disable reporting
# - this can also break some client side mods/bots etc. because of
# different packets being sent for server messages and player chat
type: 'player'
# Available placeholders:
# {nick}, {uuid}, {username}, {displayname}, {message}
# And if Vault is present:
# {prefix}, {suffix}, {group}
# You can also use PAPI placeholders, and MiniMessage formatting.
format: '<hover:show_text:"<#9df037>Player: <#f2f244>{username}<reset><br><#9df037>Level: <#f2f244>%player_level%<br><#9df037>Rank: <#f2f244>{group}">{displayname}</hover><reset> <dark_gray>>> <hover:show_text:"<#9df037>Send time: <#f2f244>%server_time_HH:mm:ss%"><gray>{message}</hover>'
# Whether to allow players, to format their messages with custom formats.
# Plugin will check for permission for each format.
# Disable this, if you don't want ANY player, to be able to color/format their messages.
player-formats: true
# RegEx pattern that a message has to match, to be allowed to be sent.
# Set empty ('') to disable.
# If you want to allow emojis in the chat, you will have to find/make a better regex,
# or just disable this check.
allowed-pattern: '^[\p{L}\w!@#$%^&§*()_+{}:"\\|<>?\-=\[\];''\,\.\/~€ ]*$'
# Cooldown in ticks between sending messages.
# 20 ticks = 1 second
# Set 0 to disable.
message-cooldown: 30
# Whether to enable anti-flood.
enabled: false
# Patterns to check for flood
# - You can add how many you want, by copying existing ones,
# and changing the name, 'pattern' and 'replacement'.
# - You can also disable any pattern, by commenting it.
# - Patterns are case-insensitive.
# - They will be checked in order, that they are here,
# so in default case: long-words -> chars -> any-string.
# Order does matter, when patters can overlap each other,
# like now 'chars' and 'any-string'.
# Pattern for words longer than 40 characters.
pattern: '([^ ]{10})[^ ]{30,}'
# Replacing those with only first 10 letters, and 3 dots
replacement: '$1...'
# In this case, matching reeeeeepeaaaaaatiiiiiing chars, above 5 repetitions.
pattern: '(.)\1{5,}'
# And shorting them to only 4 repetitions: reeeepeaaaatiiiing
replacement: '$1$1$1$1'
# This pattern matches any repeatedrepeatedrepeatedrepeated string more than 3 times
pattern: '(.{2,}?)\1{3,}'
# And shortens it to 2 repetitions: repeatedrepeated
replacement: '$1$1'
# some-other-check:
# pattern: 'i+ l+i+k+e+ p+i+z{2,}a+'
# replacement: ''
# Whether to check online players usernames,
# that will bypass anti-flood.
check-usernames: true
# Whether to log matched messages in the console
console-log: false
# Whether to enable anti-caps.
enabled: false
# Max count of upper case characters in one message.
# Every next character will be lower-cased.
max-chars: 10
# Whether to check online players usernames,
# that will bypass anti-caps.
check-usernames: true
# Whether to enable anti-swearing.
enabled: false
# Character that will replace each character of a word.
replacement-char: '*'
# RegEx patterns that will be used to match swear words.
# Ignore case flag will be used, so you don't have to worry about that.
# Keep in mind that it's a YAML file, so some chars need to be escaped (like ' or ").
# The start of the pattern
start: '[!@#$%^&*()_+{}:"|<>?\-=\[\];''\,\./]*\b(\w{0,2}(\d|_|&[a-f0-9k-o])*'
# The end
end: '+[^\s]*)\b'
# And separator, that will be between word characters
separator: '+((\W|\d|_|&[a-f0-9k-o])*|[^\s])'
# Finished pattern will look like this:
# {start}s{separator}w{separator}e{separator}a{separator}r{end}
# So in this example:
# [!@#$%^&*()_+{}:"|<>?\-=\[\];'\,\./]*\b(\w{0,2}(\d|_|&[a-f0-9k-o])*s+(\W|\d|_|&[a-f0-9k-o])*w+(\W|\d|_|&[a-f0-9k-o])*e+(\W|\d|_|&[a-f0-9k-o])*a+(\W|\d|_|&[a-f0-9k-o])*r+[^\s]*)\b
# Chars that will be replaced, before checking swear words
# (Char from the left, replaced by a char form the right)
0: o
1: i
3: e
4: a
5: s
7: t
9: g
'@': a
'$': s
'€': e
'!<': k
ą: a
ć: c
ę: e
ł: l
ń: n
ó: o
ź: z
ż: z
# Check for exceptions from the file that will bypass swear words.
check-exceptions: true
# Whether to check online players usernames,
# that will bypass anti-swear.
check-usernames: false
# Whether to log matched messages in the console
console-log: false
# Punishments
# Whether to enable warnings and punishments (only for swearing)
enabled: true
# Warnings count before punishing.
# Set 0 to disable warnings and execute punishment right away.
# Set -1 to disable punishments but leave warnings
warnings: 2
# After how many minutes warning expires.
warning-expire: 20
# Command to be executed as a punishment.
# Placeholders:
# {player} - player's username
# {warnings} - warnings count
command: 'mute {player} 10m Swearing on the server ~Console'
# Hours at which neither warnings nor punishments will be active.
excluded-hours: [ 23, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]