- 👀 I’m interested in playing piano.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Master of Information Technology in RMIT University.
- 💞️ I’m a open-source contributor.
- 📫 How to reach me https://yunaeecy.gitbook.io/wiki/ Email:yunaeecy@gmail.com
const yuna = {
name: "Yuna",
pronouns: "she" | "her",
background: {
education: "Currently pursuing postgraduate studies at RMIT, specializing in Information Technology",
passion: "Fueled by a fervent passion for open-source technologies and the intricacies of data analysis",
kaggle: {
activities: "Engages in rigorous exploratory data analysis (EDA) on a daily basis",
notebooks: "Kaggle notebooks serve as personal learning tools and contributions to the wider data science community, including SkywardAI platform",
competitions: "Actively participates in Kaggle competitions to challenge and enhance skills"
interests: {
computerVision: "Possesses a profound fascination for Computer Vision within the sphere of machine learning",
techniques: "Actively utilizes advanced techniques such as Stable Diffusion on Kaggle",
contribution: "Contributes to cutting-edge developments in the domain through hands-on approach"
currentRole: "Actively involved in creating datasets for RMIT handbooks, enriching the academic experience for fellow students"
challenge: "I am doing the #100DaysOfCode challenge focused on React and TypeScript"