- Screenshots
- Our idea
- Team
- Run the project
- Web app behaviors & functions
- Endpoints
- Tools used
- Minimal viable product features
Our idea for our project is to create a showcase website that will showcase addons we made for various video games (such as skins, game modes, and levels). Each showcased addon will have its own page with development history and pictures & videos.
on your system. -
Open a terminal (Terminal for Linux, PowerShell or CMD for Windows), navigate to a location of your choice:
# Windows cd "C:\Path\to\location" # Linux cd /Path/to/location/
Clone this repository using the https protocol:
git clone https://github.com/JiayuanWen/Gamexihib.git
Navigate into the repository:
# Windows cd .\CS421proj # Linux cd ./CS421proj
Run the project with:
node app.js
If you see the following line:Server running on URL: http://localhost:3000
, the project is running correctly.If you encounter any issue, feel free to open an issue here.
Open a browser and enter
for URL, note that the protocol ishttp
Navigation hyperlinks in sidebar, header, and footer
Hyperlinks to sidebar, header, and footer. Allow users to jump to other pages conveniently. -
Stylized interactive text and images
If users hover on a hyperlink or clickable text, the text color changes. If users hover on a clickable image, the image performs a zoom animation. -
Gallery page & stylized content listing
All addons are listed in grid fashion and classified based on their associated game. Each addon includes a thumbnail and title. Users will be able to click on a thumbnail and be directed to the addon’s page. -
One endpoint, dynamic content
All addons in Gallery lead to one page, but display different content depend on the addon you clicked. -
Background video for each page
The background of all pages of the site is animated with either video or custom made animation. -
Proper error handling
Redirect to error page to the users when accessing non-endpoint or unauthorized endpoints. (such as 404 for nonexistent pages). -
Redirect on mistyped path
Redirect users to correct path if potential incorrect path is entered. (Ex. ‘/about’ and ‘/us’ for About Us;‘ /home’, ‘/index’ and ‘/main’ for homepage) -
Contact information pop-up
There are “Contact” buttons under each developer’s name in About Us page, click on one of those buttons shows the associated developer’s role in development and their contact information.
The home page contains a short description of the site’s purpose and two buttons to either Gallery or About Us. -
The gallery lists the addons in a grid fashion. Each addon is a button that directs the user to that addon’s page. -
About Us
The about us page contains a brief description of ourselves and “Contact” buttons to show our role in development and contact information. -
Addon description pages
Pages for individual addons that will describe and give information on that addon.
*All pages will contain a header and a footer that will navigate to other pages of the site. The footer will also contain copyright and contact information.
- Express
- Node.js
- WebStorm
- Bootstrap
Colored pages, including headers, sidebar, footers, text, and body.
The head and footer of every page will have the following navigation links: Home, Gallery, and About Us. The footer will also contain website copyright, and contact information (ex: developer email).
The homepage will have the website’s title, under the title is a short description of what the website is showcasing. Below both title and description are navigation buttons for Gallery and About Us, clicking on them will direct users to the associated page.
The Gallery page will display thumbnails and titles of showcased addons in a grid fashion. Each thumbnail is clickable and will direct users to the item’s dedicated page. Each thumbnail will perform a small zoom animation on mouse hover.
Each addon’s page will have pictures, videos, description, and development history associated with said addon, similar to a wiki entry. If the addon is publicly available, a hyperlink to the addon’s download links will be added to the end of the addon’s page.
The error page will display the error code to the user, common error codes such as 404 or 202 will have a description below the code. The page will still follow the color scheme of the other pages and will still contain the header and footer.
For the homepage, Gallery, and About Us, the background will play a video consisting of various showcased addons in action. The main body of these pages will be a static color so that the background video is only visible from the sides.
Sidebar will appear for Gallery and each addon’s page for easier page navigation mid-article.
Interactive text, such as hyperlinks, will change color on hover.
The About Us page will contain information about the developers and the website. It will also contain our contact information so that the users may contact us.