I'm passionate about creating dynamic and scalable web applications. With expertise in frontend and backend technologies, I enjoy solving complex problems and building user-friendly solutions.
- HTML, CSS, TailwindCSS
- JavaScript, ReactJS, NextJS
- NodeJS, Express.js(Basics), PHP,NextJS
- Java EE(Basics) APIs
- SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Sequelize(Basics), Prisma
- Git & GitHub
- Data Structures & Algorithms
- Agile Development Practices
- C++ & Java (Basics & OOP)
A showcase of my web development projects and skills.
- E-Commerce Platform: Developed using ReactJS,NextJS, Node.js, and Sanity(CRM) & #####LemonSequeezy (Payment Gateway).
- Task Management App: Built with Next.js and a secure backend API.
- Developed and deployed full-stack applications using modern web technologies.
- Integrated databases and optimized API performance for scalable backend solutions.
- Applied Java and C++ for efficient problem-solving.
- Email: yvesmugisha09@gmail.com
- Portfolio: yvesdc.vercel.app
- LinkedIn: yvesdc
Feel free to reach out and collaborate on exciting projects!