A service to communicate with Brainly legacy API and Brainly GraphQL API.
You must have:
to run this app in debug mode.env
to run this app in production mode
AUTH_USER = "admin"
AUTH_PASSWORD = "password (Basic auth)"
BRAINLY_LEGACY_API_HOST = "https://znanija.com"
BRAINLY_GRAPHQL_API_URL = "https://znanija.com/graphql/ru"
BRAINLY_AUTH_TOKEN = "<auth-token>"
BRAINLY_PROXY_HOST_URL="https://znanija.com" # CloudFlare must not protect this host
ROLLBAR_ACCESS_TOKEN="<token>" // used in production
$ py -m venv .venv
$ cd ./venv/Scripts
$ .\activate
$ cd ../../
$ pip install poetry
$ poetry install
$ uvicorn app.main:app --port 8000