This program could be used for preprocessing Illumina 1.8+ reads generated by Genotyping-by-Sequencing (GBS) library preparation protocol.
The GBSpep
program preprocess GBS reads in 4 consecutive steps:
Demultiplexing and barcodes removal: The demultiplexing step identify exact barcode match in the sequence and remove the barcode;
Clip chimeras and adapters: This second steps clip reads presenting the Restriction Enzyme (RE) site(s) (i.e. possible chimeras, partial digestion or sequencing errors) or the common adapter initial sequence;
Quality trimming: This step trim the reads based on a 5bp sliding window analysis, averaging the quality over the sliding window. When the average quality drop below a specified cut-off the reads are trimmed;
RE remnant site: This step check for the presence of the RE remnant site(s). Only the reads that start with the RE remnant site(s) will be kept;
Only the reads that pass all the 4 steps will be kept for further analysis.
This program is able to preprocess multiple files at once. Just be sure that samples have the same barcode in all the sequencing runs. In case of replicated samples (i.e. the same genotype with different barcodes) they will be merged in a single file if they have the same name in the barcode file.
For downloading this folder to your computer first you need to install git.
Let's assume you want to clone this repo into a directory named proj
, you will need to open the terminal and type:
mkdir proj
cd proj
git clone https://github.com/aariani/GBSprep
If you are using Windows or MAC (and the binary code is not working) please refer to the GBSprep.py
script for running this program.
On Windows you will probably need to install Cygwin (not tested!).
The GBSprep.py
script contains all the codes in the source
folder in a single file.
Create a directory for you project
mkdir myGBSproject
Copy the
script to you project directory. If you have saved the script in theproj/GBSprep
folder type:cp proj/GBSprep/GBSprep.py myGBSproject
Create a raw reads folder and copy your FASTQ files there (Important: this script works only with gz formatted fastq files)
mkdir myGBSproject/fastq cp myfastqfolder/myfastqfiles.fastq.gz myGBSproject/fastq
Run the script inside the myGBSproject
folder (Example with CviAII enzyme)
cd myGBSproject
python GBSprep.py -i fastq -o demultiplexed -bc myBarcodefile.txt -s CATG -SR ATG
The script will output the demultiplexed cleaned reads in fq format ready for downstream analysis.
In addition the script will output a Demultiplexing_stats.txt
file with informations about the total number of reads (after filtering) for each genotype.
For all the option of the code from the command line type:
python GBSprep.py -h
usage: GBSprep [-h] [-i READS] [-o CLEAN_READS] [-bc BC_FILE] [-s RESITES]
[-SR REREM] [-l MINLEN] [-q MINQ] [-gz] [-ad CONTAMINANT]
Program for preprocessing GBS reads
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i READS, --input-folder READS
The folder with your raw reads in gz compressed format
-o CLEAN_READS, --output-folder CLEAN_READS
The output folder for the final cleaned and
demultiplexed reads (REQUIRED)
-bc BC_FILE, --barcode-file BC_FILE
The barcode file for your raw reads (REQUIRED)
-s RESITES, --restriction_enzyme_site RESITES
The Restriction Enzyme (RE) recognition site
(REQUIRED). If your RE has ambiguous nucleotide you
should write all the possible sites separated by a
comma (ex. For ApeKI you should use -s GCAGC,GCTGC)
-SR REREM, --site-remnant REREM
The RE remnant site after the digestion (REQUIRED).
Only reads with the remnant site after the barcode
will be kept. For RE with ambiguous nucleotide you
should write all the possible remnant sites separated
by a comma (as in the -s parameter)
-l MINLEN, --min-length MINLEN
Minimum length of reads after quality trimming and
adapter/chimeras clipping (default: 30bp)
-q MINQ, --min-qual MINQ
Mean minimum quality (in a sliding window of 5bp) for
trimming reads, assumed Sanger quality (Illumina 1.8+,
default: 20)
-gz, --binary-output Do you want to output the fastq file in a compressed
format (i.e. gz compressed)? This option save disk
space, but writing binary files requires a
considerable higher amount of time (Default: False)
-ad CONTAMINANT, --adapter-contaminants CONTAMINANT
The initial sequence of the adapter contaminant
(default: AGATCGG)
Do you want to remove the RE remnant site from the
final cleaned reads? (default: False)
See the [barcode section] (#barcode-file-specifications) for the format of the barcode file
The barcode files if formed by two columns, separated by a space, with the barcode sequence and the name of the genotype
barcode1 genotype1
barcode2 genotype2
barcode3 genotype3