An NLP model to classify abstract sentences into the role they play (e.g. objective, methods, results, etc..) to enable researchers to skim through the literature and dive deeper when necessary.
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- More specificially, I'am going to replicate the deep learning model behind the 2017 paper PubMed 200k RCT: a Dataset for Sequenctial Sentence Classification in Medical Abstracts.
- The PubMed 200k RCT dataset is described in Franck Dernoncourt, Ji Young Lee. PubMed 200k RCT: a Dataset for Sequential Sentence Classification in Medical Abstracts. International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP). 2017.
Some miscellaneous information:
PubMed 20k is a subset of PubMed 200k. I.e., any abstract present in PubMed 20k is also present in PubMed 200k.
is the same asPubMed_200k_RCT_numbers_replaced_with_at_sign
, except that in the latter all numbers had been replaced by@
. (same forPubMed_20k_RCT
). -
Count Plot
All the note books are availabel here
- NaiveBiase Model -> 72% Accuracy
- Conv1D Model -> 78% Accuracy
- Model using pretrained token embedding ( Universal sentence embedding ) -> 75% Accuracy
- Conv1D Model using character level embedding -> 73% Accuracy
- Model with both token and charcter level embedding -> 76% Accuracy
- Model with token, character and position level embedding ( ) -> 81% Accuracy
- Model described in this paper with bert embedding -> 88% Accuracy
- Tensorflow
- tensorflow_text
- tensorflow_hub
- sklearn
- Matplotlib
- numpy
- pandas
- spaCy