- vagrant
- faas-cli
- terraform
- vegeta
Provision local Vagrant environment
vagrant up
Use Terraform to provision Vault and Nomad jobs
# Initialize environment, download plugins
cd terraform
terraform init
# Run the Vault module first
terraform apply -target=module.vault
# Apply the Nomad jobs after
terraform apply -target=module.faas
OpenFaaS and supporting components should be avialable:
- OpenFaaS gateway: http://localhost:8080
- Consul: http://localhost:8500
- Vault: http://localhost:8200
- Nomad: http://localhost:4646
- Prometheus: http://localhost:9090
- Grafana: http://localhost:3000 (import dashboard id: 3434)
Use faas-cli to deploy a function
# Authenticate with OpenFaaS gateway
faas-cli login --gateway http://localhost:8080 --password vagrant
# Deploy a function from the store
faas-cli store deploy figlet
Use vegeta
to generate load
cd ../
# Invoke figlet 50/sec for 1 minute
echo "POST http://localhost:8080/function/figlet" | vegeta -cpus 1 attack -rate=50 -duration 1m -body figlet > results.gob
# Print the results
vegeta report results.gob
Deploy a custom function using secrets
# Add the Grafana API secret
faas-cli secret create grafana-api-token --from-literal '' --gateway=http://localhost:8080
# Source repo git@github.com:acornies/faas-grafana-annotate.git
# Deploy function from stack.yml
faas-cli deploy --image acornies/grafana-annotate:0.1.2 --name grafana-annotate --env grafana_url= --gateway=http://localhost:8080 --secret grafana-api-token
# Add stripe webhook payload secret
faas-cli secret create stripe-webhook-secret --from-literal ''
# Apply the Kafka modules
terraform apply -target=module.kafka
terraform apply -target=module.faas_kafka_connector
# Login to Vagrant VM to create a kafka console consumer
vagrant ssh
# Find kafka broker container
docker ps | grep kafka-brokers
docker exec -it ${name} bash
# Launch console consumer
kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server --topic stripe-webhook-charge-dispute-created
Launch a function tied to our Kafka topic:
# Launch a function from store with special topic annotation
faas-cli store deploy cows --annotation topic=stripe-webhook-charge-dispute-created