I'm very delightful ❤️ to share my Website with you guys. Thanks for your time 🕦 in advance !
Its' my first personal portfolio site. It is Barely a webpage 😅. Anyways Major Languages used in my site are HTML, CSS, and a pinch 🧂 of Javascript. I added font and color 🎨 support for almost every web browsers used widely. You can not only clone this but also easily understand the code. Beacause of o fancy frontend languages are used. It'll run under a minimal requirements. I have'nt clearly commented and arranged the code yet My Bad:(
- Get started to work with my site by cloning my repo into your local storage. For help
For cloning my repo ,
git clone "https:github.com/adminALEX/Digital-Resume.git"
code <path_to_directory> //For Visual Studio Code users
Open the cloned folder in your code editor like VScode. For installing VSCode
Install any live server extension in your code editor.
Make your changes in the code and see the MAGIC ✨ in your browser.
I'm happy to have a cup of coffee with you ☕ Buy me