Steps to run the project:
- Create a file Key.swift inside iosMovieapp/Data folder and add your API key from TMDB
struct Key {
static let API_KEY = "<Your API KEY>"
- Run the project
- Minimum iOS 13.0 deployment
- Pagination
- Shimmering view
- Add movies to favourite
- Fetch and save to Database (works in offline mode)
- Unit tests
- SwiftUI
- Combine
- URLSession
- Coredata
- ViewModel
- Dependency Injection
- Clean + MVVM Architecture
- SDWebImageSwiftUI (v 2.2.7) for ImageLoading on iOS 13.0
- SwiftUI Introspect . Current is only being used for hiding list separators
- PublishedObject to use StateObject in iOS 13.0
HomeView |
MovieDetail Loading | MovieDetail loaded |
MovieDetail Loading (cont.) | MovieDetail loaded (cont.) |
NowPlayingMovies load more |
FavouriteMovie added |