This is a WIP package. Bread
Notitia Visum is a BREAD (browse, read, edit, add, delete) generator for Laravel
Brows usage:
* Inside a controller action
return (new NotitiaVisum())
You can add a raw where like this:
return (new NotitiaVisum())
->whereRaw('role = \'admin\'')
If you want to filter the fields to render in the table, you can add an array of fields:
return (new NotitiaVisum())
->whereRaw('role = \'admin\'')
->browse(['id', 'first_name', 'role']);
By default the title on the table is the table name on the database but you can override it like this:
return (new NotitiaVisum())
->title('System Users')
->browse(['id', 'first_name', 'role']);
$ vendor/bin/phpunit