Math is Fun! is the spiritual successor of written in Free Pascal.
The game expects a terminal/command line with a size of at least 80x24 characters. After starting the program, it is recommended to run through the help menu and adjust the settings before playing.
The game only needs Free Pascal (3.0+). It should compile without any further dependencies.
Here's a sample command for compiling on Windows: fpc mathisfun.pas -obuild/mathisfun.exe & delp build
- Fix statistics horizontals formatting as shown in terminal.
- Refactor code:
- Write/rewrite comments,
- Review code and make it more readable if needed.
- Enforce proper terminal/command line sizing.
- Increment version number up to v0.3 after code refactor and output text formatting are done. Use v0.2* versions until then.
This project's used the Modified BSD License (a.k.a. 3-clause BSD License).