Tanks: The Crusades is a game written in Java inspired by Wii Play's Tanks.
There are over 20 unique enemies you can fight, but you can add more of your own too.
The game supports Windows, Mac and Linux.
Tanks can be found on Steam, itch.io, and the iOS App Store
Use the arrow keys or WASD to move
Left click or click space to shoot
Right click or press enter to lay a mine
Press escape to pause the game
Left click to place
Right click on an object to destroy it
Right click on nothing to rotate the object you are placing
Press up and down arrow keys or scroll to cycle enemy tanks
Press left and right arrow keys to cycle enemy tank, obstacle, player tank
Press space to access the object menu
Press escape to change level settings
Press enter to play your level
The following are three screenshots of the game in action. The user controls the azure blue tank using the mouse or keyboard.
To use the game you need to install Java. For this purpose you may need
administrator privileges to install software on your machine. You can install Java
from java.com. The minimum Java version is Java 8.
You can download the jar file for Tanks. To run the jar file you can double-click on it.
To develop the game we suggest using Eclipse or IntelliJ. Eclipse can be installed from
eclipse.org. IntelliJ can be installed from
To access the source code you also need to install Git.
It is recommended you use gradle to build Tanks using the following commands:
./gradlew.bat clean build
./gradlew clean build
You will need to add the following libraries to the build path of the project:
PNGDecoder by Matthias Mann in TWL
All the jars and natives of the following LWJGL libraries:
LWJGL (core)
Commons IO
You can all download these libraries in zip format from here.
Please note - Tanks uses a custom version of Steamworks4j compiled with Mac OS arm64 natives. We recommend you use the libraries linked above, because they contain that modified Steamworks4j library.
Matei Budiu (Aehmttw)
Karan Gurazada
Mihai Budiu
Arkar Tan
Cool TM
Parth Iyer (ghostlypi)
Everyone from the Tanks Discord who helped with ideas and bugs!