Device measure levle of water in a well via ultrasonic AJ-SR04M module. Than filter data and delivery it to MQTT broker. HomeAsstant service display level of water as a binary sensor value.
- BluePill STM32C8T6 microcontroller
- AJ-SR04M ultrasonic module, switched to "Serial Port triger" mode (Mode 4)
- TP4056 charge controller for charging Li-Ion acumulator and step-down voltage for acceptable for other boards 3.7-4.2V
- AMS1117 Linear Voltage Regulator for powering ESP8266 module
- ESP-07 Wi-Fi module
- arkhipenko/TaskScheduler library is used for asynchronous running of metering and MQTT publishing tasks
- robtillaart/RunningAverage filters fake values from ultrasonic sensor
- Auto-discovery is used for automatic configuration of sensor in HomeAssistant
- Although it is ESP8266 1MB moudle, firmware with AT 2.2.0 commands is used from CytronTechnologies/esp-at-binaries repository