This repository contains code used to generate orthologs and tissue specificty scores for a spine ortholog project with Cosmo Pieplow and Gary Wessel in the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology department at Brown University.
There are a few sections to the analysis:
- A summary of orthologs in reference transcriptomes
- Transcriptome assembly and identification of orthologs in spine-specific transcriptomes
- Estimation of tissue specificty to orthologs relative to other transcriptomes such as gonads and embryo.
- To reproduce starting from intermediate results (i.e. after assembly, ortholog identification, annotation) run associated notebooks in the notebooks directory
- To reproduce starting from raw reads, run scripts in order in scripts directory
- H.pulcherrimus:
- S.purpuratus:
- Lvar:
- ET:
- data: All relevant data for this project. Scripts to run use paths based off of this directory, but you can view the data on Google Drive as well.
- metadata: Contains Dockerfiles. On Oscar also contains Singularity images.
- scripts: Contains scripts for transcriptome assembly (agalma), translation (TransDecoder), OrthoFinder (ortholog identification), annotation (Trinotate). To reproduce the analyses, follow the steps in this directory.
- notebooks: Contains notebooks for some summary statistics on all steps in scripts.
- results: any files that will be provided to the collaborator