A docker image for 3ds development and testing
This image aims to provide a preinstalled 3ds development environment including essential build tools and an emulator to test binaries.
This project is not in any way affiliated with Nintendo or any of the developers of included software or packages unless otherwise stated.
Some of the bugs in included software might be caused by their inclusion in this project. Please create an issue here first to avoid bothering innocent developers.
As a docker image this project requires docker to be installed. While it's very useful to know about how docker works, this guide assumes you've never heard of it.
If you intend to build or test a project manually you should choose this way.
You will want to run the image interactively (-i
), in a pseudo-tty(-t
) and
remove the container when you're done (--rm
). You also specify a version
of the image you want to use. The following command will download the image
(once), start a container based on it, open up a bash prompt for you and remove
the container once you are done:
docker run --rm -it ahoischen/3ds-dev:tag
To use version 1.0.0 of the image simply insert the tag v1.0.0
docker run --rm -it ahoischen/3ds-dev:v1.0.0
If you intend to automate builds or tests this you will need a slightly more
sophisticated approach. The first step of the process is to start a container
from this image, which can then run your commands at a later time. This means
running it in detached mode (-d
) and specifying a command that keeps the
container from exiting as bash would do. One possible command is
tail -f /dev/null
. Since you intend to use the container in later commands
you shold give it a name. The full command is as follows:
docker run -d --name container_name ahoischen/3ds-dev:tag tail -f /dev/null
You now have a container ready to execute all the commands you want. Each command can now be executed via the following:
docker exec container_name COMMAND [ARG...]
If you intend to run a script you will need to run it in its own shell:
docker exec container_name bash -c "SCRIPT" [ARG...]
The easiest way to run a script is of course to include it in your project and
run it as a command (./myscript
While it is possible to use git to pull the project that practice has the
disadvantage of requiring all changes to be already commited and available
on a server. Instead, the preferred method is to mount the source directory as
a volume. This is done by adding the argument -v YOURSOURCEDIR:/home/user/work
to the docker run
commands before specifying the image. Please note that
cannot be .
; use $PWD
instead. Example:
docker run --rm -it -v $PWD:/home/user/work ahoischen/3ds-dev
You will be running as the user user
. You have passwordless sudo
Your working directory will be /home/user/work
. The environment variables
are set for user
; if you need to make install
remember to use sudo -E
to preserve environment variables.
Emulation can be very useful for running tests. To do so you must first
run startdisplay
to start a dummy xserver. You can then start the emluator
by running citra your_file
. Please make sure that the built application does
not require any inputs to exit, since that would cause the script to hang. The
exit code is likely to be non-zero even if all tests succeeded.
This project attempts to version similarly to Semantic Versioning, however, most dependencies don't have fixed versions. Because of this there are probably breaking changes in minor and patch updates. The only thing that can be guaranteed is that if any of the following changes the version shall be increased accordingly.
Packages explicitly provided by this image are part of the public API. Currently this includes libctru, devkitARM, all portlibs which compile and citra.
The guarantee that there will be an empty folder ~/work is part of the public API. This folder is intended to be used as a working directory for builds and CI and, therefore, cannot include any files as they may conflict with those of the project.
Contributions in form of issues and pull requests are encouraged. This project includes a CONTRIBUTING file which outlines the details of doing so.
This image's source is licensed under the GPLv3+ to allow it to include as many licenses as possible. The licenses of included packages may differ. Licenses for included software are partially available within the image and in this document. The projects built with this image do not necessarily need to be licensed under the GPLv3+. Your project's license depends on the licenses of the projects you use. This software is provided without warranty and so are all packages aggregated within it, unless otherwise stated by the respective owner. This isn't legal advice; I am not a lawyer.
This image is based on thewtex/opengl which is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License, dockcross/dockcross which is licensed under the MIT License and debian:jessie.
The built image contains works from many sources. Please utilize the apt
tools to obtain licenses and sources for included packages. Some of the sources
of included projects are embedded via git submodules into this project's repo.
Since not all included works are available via git, each binary release is
accompanied by a source release on the
GitHub releases page of
this project.
The built image contains work from multiple projects, including:
- The Citra emulator
- devkitARM
- ctrulib
- The libraries included in ahoischen/3ds-portlibs
- citro3d
- sf2dlib
- sfillib
- sftdlib
- makerom
- bannertool
While the source of those projects has not been modified their execution in this environment may introduce differences in behaviour (such as bugs) for which their creators are not responsible. Please contact the maintainers of this project by opening an Issue on the project's Issue Tracker if you suspect such a scenario might have arisen.
This project is not in any way affiliated with the creators, contributors,
copyright holders or other involved entities, unless otherwise stated. Consult
the provided links and tools (such as apt-get
) for each project's licenses
and copyright holders.