Experimenting with Phoenix and Ash v3.0.
We use devbox to install the necesary packages and mise to install missing packages and run tasks.
Tools that can not be installed directly from devbox
because of version issue
are installed via mise
Install devbox (do it only once):
curl -fsSL https://get.jetpack.io/devbox | bash
Prepare your shell for mise
(do it only once).
For Bash:
echo 'eval "$($HOME/.local/bin/mise activate bash)"' >> ~/.bashrc
For Zsh:
echo 'command -v mise &> /dev/null && eval "$(mise activate zsh)"' >> "${ZDOTDIR-$HOME}/.zshrc"
Install devbox
devbox install
Enter devbox
devbox shell
at the beginning of the prompt shows that you are inside a devbox
(devbox) /home/my-user/my-project$
Trust mise
configuration files (do it only once):
mise trust mise.toml
mise trust mise.local.toml
Install mise
mise install
Clean and setup everything:
mise run reset:local
You can use the IDE of your choice inside a devbox
shell. For example with
code .
To see available tasks or executed one of them, run with this command:
mise run
To start the Phoenix Web service, run with this command:
cd library
mix phx.server
If you change environment variables in devbox.json
, you will need to restart
the devbox shell and your IDE.