Credit: @villeofficiel
This project proposes the hardware design and the firmware of various low-cost and repairable airquality stations for citizens. Air quality measurements are transmitted over a private or public LoRaWAN network (Helium, TTN or self-hosted Chirpstack) and displayed as open data (luftdaten, opensensemap) or in private dashboard (cayenne, The firmware is based on RIOT OS. The IAQ sensors are listed here
- Board: Flipper Zero
- Sensors:
- BME280: Temperature, Humidity, Pressure
- PMS7003: PM 1, 2.5, 10
- FAP:
- Board: ESP32 DevKit on TinyGS_2G4
- Sensors:
- MIKROE-1978 (BME280) on Mikrobus Slot 1: Temperature, Humidity, Pressure
- Sensirion SPS30 PM Sensor on Grove I2C connector: PM 1, 2.5, 10
- Connectivity: Wifi, BLE, LoRaWAN (Mikrobus RN2483 on Mikrobus Slot 0)
- Firmware : RIOT OS
- Board: RAK3172 : MCU STM32WLE5
- Sensors:
- Power: MPPT for LiPo battery and solar panel (coming soon)
- Connectivity: LoRaWAN, LoRa Mesh (coming soon)
- Firmware : RIOT OS, STM32CubeIDE
- Board: LoRa E5 Mini (STM32WL55J1)
- Sensors:
- BME280: Temperature, Humidity, Pressure
- PMS7003: PM 1, 2.5, 10
- Firmware : RIOT OS
- Decoder
- Poster Paper PhD Thesis (in french)
- MCU: Seeedstudio), Wio Terminal
- Sensors:
- Temperature, Humidity, Pressure
- CCS811 air quality sensor.
- Grove CO2 SGP30 .
- Grove CO2 SDC41
- Grove - Gas Sensor V2(Multichannel) for detecting CO, NO2, C2H5CH, VOC with GM-102B, GM-302B, GM-502B and GM-702B sensors
- Geiger counter with UART
- Others to defined
- Firmware : Arduino or RIOT OS
- MCU: STM32WL55 (Nucleo, Seeedstudio)
- Sensor: CCS811 air quality sensor.
- Firmware : C on RIOT OS
- MCU: STM32 Nucleo B-L072Z-LRWAN1.
- Firmware : C on RIOT OS
- Firmware : MBed