Hi, Everyone Welcome
The following Diagram depicts the flow of our Entity Relation Diagram to simplify the work flow.
Customer and Admin authentication & validation with session uuid having.
Admin Features:
- Administrator Role of the entire application
- Only registered admins with valid session token can add/update/delete customer from main database
- Admin can access the details of different customers and trip bookings
Customer Features:
- Registering themselves with application, and logging in to get the valid session token
- Viewing list of available Route and available Bus for a trip
- Only logged in user can access his reservations, profile updation and other features.
👉 Click here to get better understanding of the application.
👤 @Vaibhav Ghawale
GitHub: codervaibhav
LinkedIn: Vaibhav Ghawale
Worked on Reservation Module
👤 @Akash Kumar Singh
GitHub: akashsinghdto55
LinkedIn: Akash Kumar Singh
Worked on Admin/Admin Login and User/User Login Module
👤 @Virendra Kumar Dwivedi
GitHub: Virendrakumardwivedi
LinkedIn: Virendra kumar dwivedi
Worked on Route Module
👤 @Riya Negi
GitHub: RiyaNegi03
LinkedIn: Riya Negi
Worked on Bus Module
👤 @Gitanjali Makadi
GitHub: geetamakadi123
LinkedIn: Gitanjali Makadi
Worked on Feedback Module
- Java
- Spring Framework
- Spring Boot
- Spring Data JPA
- Hibernate
- Postman
- Swagger UI
- Login, Logout Module
- Admin Module
- User Module
- Route Module
- Bus Module
- Reservation Module
- Feedback Module
SWAGGER UI Documentation - http://localhost:8888/swagger-ui/
- Before running the API server, you should update the database config inside the application.properties file.
- Update the port number, username and password as per your local database config.
user this data for checking purpose.
- **@Demo Data(click here to demo data)