Created by Sparsh Agarwal, Raghav Goyal, Vineet Sharma, Priya Kaushik
- JDK 1.8 + Java 13 installed (if not follow this instruction)
- Apache NetBeans 11.3 (download from this link)
Now that we have all the above things resolved we can import our Project.
- Extract the Project Folder.
- Open NetBeans.
- Go to Services Tab and open Databases tab.
- Right Click on Java DB option and select Properties.
- In the Java DB installation select the derby.jar file from the Libraries Folder.
- Now in the Database location option select the path where you want to save the database.
- Select OK.
- Now right click on Java DB and select create a New Database.
- Name the Database as "HMSdb", Username as "user01", Password as "pass01".
- Click OK.
- You can now see a new Database created.
- Go to the above selected path and replace the HMSdb folder with the HMSdb folder provided in the Database folder in the Project Folder.
- Now go to Projects tab.
- Click on File Tab in Toolbar and select open project.
- Select the location of HotelManagementSystem Folder in the Project Folder and select OK.
- Now you can see a new Project opened in the Projects Tab.
- Now Right click on the Libraries option in the Project Folder and select "Add JAR/Folder".
- Now select all the files in the Libraries Folder provided in the Project Folder.
- Now open the file in package named OTHER.
- In the Java file confirm the url, user and password (line 30, 31 and 32 respectively) with the details filled when creating Database.
- Now open file and enter the email id and password of the gmail account you want to use to send the mails.
- Now go to this link and turn "Allow less secure apps" option ON (Use the same Gmail Id as above).
- Click on Build and Clean option in toolbar.
- Now you can run the project from toolbar.
Enjoy ;-)