Opinionated import of FrameNet XML data to MongoDB
You need to have Mongo, Node and npm installed on your system. NoFrameNet should work on Node v6.9.2 and above, npm v3.10.9 and above and mongo v3.2.9 and above. Earlier versions may work as well but we haven't tested them.
To import FrameNet XML data to MongoDB
1. Download FrameNet XML data
2. Download NoFrameNet
Run the following command in your terminal, under the NoFrameNet directory:
npm install
Modify the config/production.js
const config = {
dbUri: 'mongodb://localhost:27017/fn_en_170',
logger: logger.info,
frameNetDir: '/Users/AKB/Dropbox/FrameNetData/fndata-1.7',
splitsDir: '/Users/AKB/Dropbox/FrameNetData/fndata-1.7',
importLexUnits: true,
importFullTexts: true,
importHierarchy: true,
frameChunkSize: 150,
lexUnitChunkSize: 200,
The frameNetDir
parameter should refer to the absolute path of the unzipped FrameNet data directory.
You can tweak the frameChunkSize
and lexUnitChunkSize
parameters to improve import speed by specifying how many frame or lexunit files should be processed at once.
Set importLexUnits
to true
if you wish to import the content of the lu
dir. Set importFullTexts
to true
if you wish to important the content of the fulltext
dir. Set importHierarchy
to true
if you wish to import a
formatted collection of FrameNet Frame and FE hierarchies, as used by
the Valencer API.
Specify a different splitsDir
parameter if you want to split FrameNet files into train/dev/test directories and import only a specific dir.
Your frameNetDir should have the following structure:
|-- frameNetDir
| |-- frame
| | |-- Abandonment.xml
| | |-- ...
| |-- frRelation.xml
| |-- train
| | |-- fulltext
| | | |-- corpusNameXYZ__123.xml
| | | |-- ...
| | |-- lu
| | | |-- luFile.xml
| | | |-- ...
| |-- dev
| | |-- fulltext
| | | |-- corpusNameXYZ__123.xml
| | | |-- ...
| | |-- lu
| | | |-- luFile.xml
| | | |-- ...
| |-- test
| | |-- fulltext
| | | |-- corpusNameXYZ__123.xml
| | | |-- ...
| | |-- lu
| | | |-- luFile.xml
| | | |-- ...
Run the following command in your terminal, under the NoFrameNet directory:
npm run import
The import process usually takes about 20min to 30min in total (tested on a MacBook Pro with 2,8 GHz Intel Core i5 and 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3)
In Sentence#1492916 , 'Before his death Edward IV had also initiated military activity against France , following Louis XI 's renunciation of some of the key terms of the 1475 treaty of Picquigny .', the Phrase Type of the 'Activity' frame element corresponding to the 'initiate.v' lexical unit is mistakenly marked as an 'Obj'.
Data are fixed automatically after import via the fix
Details about the underlying Mongoose models can be found on NoFrameNet-Core
NoFrameNet has been tested on FrameNet:
- 1.5
- 1.6
- 1.7
NoFrameNet expects FrameNet XML data to follow the Berkeley FrameNet XML format. XML documents should therefore follow:
Either the fulltext
format structured as:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="fullText.xsl"?>
<fullTextAnnotation xsi:schemaLocation="../schema/fullText.xsd" xmlns="http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<corpus description="American National Corpus Texts" name="ANC" ID="195">
<document description="Goodwill fund-raising letter" name="110CYL067" ID="23791"/>
<sentence corpID="195" docID="23791" sentNo="1" paragNo="1" aPos="0" ID="4106338">
<text>December 1998</text>
<annotationSet cDate="12/08/2010 04:12:18 PST Wed" luID="4654" luName="December.n" frameID="229" frameName="Calendric_unit" status="MANUAL" ID="6559768">
<layer rank="1" name="Target">
<label cBy="MLC" end="7" start="0" name="Target"/>
<layer rank="1" name="FE">
<label cBy="MLC" feID="10331" bgColor="FF0000" fgColor="FFFFFF" end="7" start="0" name="Unit"/>
<label cBy="MLC" feID="2016" bgColor="FF69B4" fgColor="FFFFFF" end="12" start="9" name="Whole"/>
<layer rank="1" name="GF">
<label end="12" start="9" name="Dep"/>
<layer rank="1" name="PT">
<label end="12" start="9" name="NP"/>
<layer rank="1" name="Other"/>
<layer rank="1" name="Sent"/>
<layer rank="1" name="Noun"/>
Either the lexicographic
format structured as:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="lexUnit.xsl"?>
<lexUnit status="Finished_Initial" POS="V" name="cause.v" ID="2" frame="Causation" frameID="5" totalAnnotated="116" xsi:schemaLocation="../schema/lexUnit.xsd" xmlns="http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<corpus description="BNC2" name="BNC2" ID="111">
<document description="bncp" name="bncp" ID="421"/>
<FE fgColor="FFFFFF" bgColor="1E90FF" type="Core" abbrev="act" name="Actor"/>
<definition>COD: be the cause of; make happen. </definition>
<lexeme POS="V" name="cause"/>
<subCorpus name="V-429-s20-rcoll-change">
<sentence sentNo="0" aPos="20224298" ID="651966">
<text>Irreversible cell expansion -- very rapid growth -- caused the movement , not turgor change . </text>
<annotationSet cDate="01/07/2003 09:27:03 PST Tue" status="MANUAL" ID="784400">
<layer rank="1" name="FE">
<label cBy="Pam" feID="18" end="47" start="0" name="Cause"/>
<label cBy="Pam" feID="20" end="70" start="59" name="Effect"/>
<layer rank="1" name="GF">
<label end="47" start="0" name="Ext"/>
<label end="70" start="59" name="Obj"/>
<layer rank="1" name="PT">
<label end="47" start="0" name="NP"/>
<label end="70" start="59" name="NP"/>
<layer rank="1" name="Sent"/>
<layer rank="1" name="Other"/>
<layer rank="1" name="Target">
<label cBy="BoC" end="57" start="52" name="Target"/>
<layer rank="1" name="Verb"/>
For a detailed account of the Berkeley FrameNet XML format, check out the XSD schema files.
The following tags should be identified by a unique number ID:
NoFrameNet extracts valence information (FE/PT/GF labels) from the <annotationSet>
tags, and NOT from the <valences>
or <FERealization>
Make sure to have all FE/PT/GF layers under <annotationSet>
specified when appropriate.