An application to create, manage and track a single elimination tournament, supporting a variable number of teams.
Your friends come to you and ask you to create a tournament tracker. They are always playing games and want to determine who is the best. The idea is that you create a bracket tournament system where the computer will tell them who to play in a single-elimination style bracket. At the end, the winner should be identified. Their model is the NVAA Basketball tournament bracket for March Madness.
1. Tracks games and their outcome (who won).
2. Multiple competitors play in the tournament.
3. Creates a tournament plan (who plays in what order).
4. Schedule games.
5. A single loss eliminates a player.
6. The last player standing is the winner.
Structure: Windows Forms Application and Class Library
Data: SQL and/or Text File
Users: One at a time, on one application.
Key Concepts:
• Emailing from C#
• Custom Events (Checking Tournament Status, Triggering Emails)
• Error Handling (User Input)
• Interfaces (Data Passing, Form to Form)
• Random Ordering (Games, Byes, etc.)
• Text Notifications (Additional Feature)
• TeamMembers (List<Person>)
• TeamName (string)
• FirstName (string)
• LastName (string)
• EmailAddress (string)
• CellNumber (string)
• TournamentName (string)
• EntryFee (decimal)
• EnteredTeams (List<Team>)
• Prizes (List<Prize>)
• Rounds (List<List<Matchup>>)
• PlaceNumber (int)
• PlaceName (string)
• PrizeAmount (decimal)
• PrizePercentage (double)
• Entries (List<MatchupEntry>)
• Winner (Team)
• MatchupRound (int)
• TeamCompeting (Team)
• Score (double)
• ParentMatchup (Matchup)
Created using Sycnfusions Metro Studio 5