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Library to work with Archer REST and Content APIs

My original objective was to create Office365 mail to Archer Incidents application connector.Script captures the email, checks if there is an incident ID assigned and add the email to comments section (sub form) in archer record. This package supports archer part of the connector, if someone interested I can share the whole thing.

Release notes:

v0.1.9 (13 Dec 2019)

  • Fixed method get_field_content in Record, fixed error when method crashed if the value in values list is None
  • Now, if there are several values in values list. Function will return all values, including parent value if you're using leveled values list.
  • Looks like this ["Parent Value:Value", "Parent Value:Value", "Value"]
  • ATTENTION!!! now function returns LIST of values instead of string value.

v0.1.8 (31 Oct 2019)

  • added delete_record(self, record_id=None) to ArcherInstance and few small fixes

v0.1.4 (05 Feb 2019)

  • added user deactivation method and some user method error handling

v0.1.3 (29 Jan 2019)

  • added archer instance method get_value_id_by_field_name_and_value() to be able to set value in record create/update methods


0. Installation

pip install rsa-archer

1. Creating Archer Instance

Create "api" user in Archer with proper permissions At first, create Archer Instance object and continue to work with it

import rsa_archer
from rsa_archer.archer_instance import ArcherInstance
archer_instance = ArcherInstance("domain","archer instance name","api username", "password")
# e.g. 
archer_instance = ArcherInstance("","risk_management","api", "secure password")

2. Working with content records

2.1 Selecting application

To start working with content records you need to select Archer application (one application per Archer Instance object), without it it'll not work.

archer_instance.from_application("application name")
# e.g.
archer_instance.from_application("Incidents") #same name as in archer application list

2.2 Creating new record

NOTE - right now working natively with record's fields is limited to text fields, for values list, attachemts and other types of fields you need to operate with archer internal ids. Good example of this is working with attachments, it could be found below. Preparing json with field names and their values (text or ids):

record_json = {"field name1": "value1", "field name2": "value2", "values list field name": [id1,id2,id3..] ...}
# e.g.
record_json = {"Incident Summary": "desired text", "Reporter email": "email","Incident Details": "HTML text", "Severity": [34658]}

Creating the record and getting its id:

record_id = archer_instance.create_content_record(record_json)

2.2 Working with existing records

2.2.1 Getting record content

Getting record object by id:

existing_record = archer_instance.get_record(record_id)

Getting values of record fields (including ids):


# it returns, value of the text field
#       array of user internal ids for user field
#       proper value for values list
#       internal ids for other types of fields
#       TODO other types of fields

2.2.2 Updating existing record

Preparing updater json

updater_json = {"field name1": "value1", "field name2": "value2", ...}
updater_json = {"Incident Summary": "desired text", "Reporter email": "email","Incident Details": "HTML text"}

Updating the record values:

archer_instance.update_content_record(updater_json, record_id)

2.2.3 Posting attachments to archer instance

Uploading attachment to Archer and getting its id:

attachment_id = archer_instance.post_attachment("file name", fileinbase64_string)

Appending attachment ids into array, you might want to get existing record atttachments ids first and append additional attachment id to it or you will lose the existing ones:

attachment_ids = []

Then associate the ids with the existing record for example:

updater_json = {"Attachments": attachment_ids}
archer_instance.update_content_record(updater_json, record_id)

3. Working with sub forms in content records

3.1 Creating subrecords

Creating sub_record and getting its id:

sub_form_json = {"subform field name1": "value1", "subform field name1": "value1", ...}
sub_record_id = archer_instance.create_sub_record(sub_form_json, "subform field name in target application")

Then associate subrecord with content record, in this case existing record:

updater_json = {"subform field name in target application": sub_record_id}
archer_instance.update_content_record(updater_json, record_id)

But it will replace the existing subrecords in application, so you should get the existing subrecords first:

current_sub_records_ids = record.get_field_content("subform field name in target application") #get the array of existing attachments ids
if current_sub_records:
    final_sub_records = current_sub_records_ids + sub_record_id
    final_sub_records = sub_record_id

And then update the original application record:

updater_json = {"subform field name in target application": sub_record_id}
archer_instance.update_content_record(updater_json, record_id)

3.2 Attachments to subrecords

Uploading attachment to Archer and getting its id:

attachment_id = archer_instance.post_attachment("file name", fileinbase64_string)

Put attachment ids into array:

attachment_ids = []

Assosiate it with the new sub_record

sub_form_json = {"sub form attachment field name": attachment_ids}
archer_instance.create_sub_record(sub_form_json, "APPLICATION FIELD NAME")

4. Working with users

4.1 Getting user objects:

Getting all user objects:

users = archer_instance.get_users()

Getting individual user object:

user = archer_instance.get_user_by_id("user id")

Getting users using filters, find full list of filters in Archer REST API documentation:

users = archer_instance.get_users("?$select=Id,DisplayName&$orderby=LastName")

Getting active users with no login:

users = archer_instance.get_active_users_with_no_login()

4.2 Getting users info

Getting user object parameters (added for convenience), all information could be found in user.json:

email = user.get_user_email()
id = user.get_user_id()
display_name = user.get_gisplay_name()
user_name = user.get_username()
last_login = user.get_last_login_date()

4.3 Working with user object

Assigning user to role:

user.assign_role_to_user("role id")

Activating user:


Deactivating user:


Adding user to group:

archer_instance.get_all_groups() #loads all groups first
user.put_user_to_group("group name")

Archer GRC API (released from 6.4)

To start working in GRC api you need to set an endpoint, it's analog of application we used in REST. To find the exact name of an endpoint you can use the following method:

archer_instance.find_grc_endpoint_url("application name")

With endpoint name you can get content records of the application:

  • it'll give you only 1000 records at a time, use skip to get more
  • I used this api only to get key field to id mapping, since there is no normal search in REST API
  • Method returns array_of_jsons instead of record objects, since these jsons are different from REST jsons and I don't really use them
array_of_jsons = archer_instance.get_grc_endpoint_records("endpoint name", skip=None)

I'm building key record field value to record internal id mapping:

  • for Incidents application "application key field" was incident #INC-xxx, but key record field stores only integer, for some reason
  • so I added prefix, "INC-" in my example to the method
archer_instance.build_unique_value_to_id_mapping("endpoint name", "application key field name", "prefix"=None)

So based on key record field value I can get record internal id:

record_id = archer_instance.get_record_id_by_unique_value("key field value")


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