Manga, comics and book collection management app built for Android.
This is the Android native version of Toshokan Web.
- ISBN barcode reading
- ISBN metadata search (Google Books™, Open Library and others)
- Publishers, people, stores and groups management
- Books management (simple at the moment)
- Cover search by ISBN, code or book title
- Readings control
- Search with filters
- Custom covers support
- Future items support (wishlist-like)
- Add books by custom QR Code and share URL
- Statistics
- Bulk adding by ISBN barcode
- Tracking services integration (OpenLibrary, Skoob and others)
- Backup and restore support
- Freebies collection support (bookmarks, postcards and other types)
- Code optimizations
You shouldn't install this, it is at the very earlier steps of development and it's very unstable for daily usage. Wait until a stable version gets released.
- Jetpack Compose
- SQLDelight
- Google ML Kit
- Material Design 3 (Material You)
You can check out the full license here.
This repository is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.