The is reporting tool to analyze the reader's activity on newspaper site. The database to analyze contains newspaper articles as well as the web server log for the site. The log has a database row for each time a reader loaded a web page.
The script is written as first assignment of Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree Program provided by Udacity.
The script prints out the following information from the news database:
- Three most popular articles of all time
- The most popular article authors of all time
- Days when more than 1% of requests lead to errors
To use LogsAnalysis, the following software and data are required:
- VirtualBox – software to run the virtual machine. Download from here
- Vagrant – software to configure virtual machine. Download the version for your operating system from here
- The virtual machine configuration file. Download and unzip this file
- The newsdata.sql file. Download from here and unzip
Change to the directory containing virtual machine files. Find the vagrant directory and change to it. Inside the vagrant directory, run the following command.
$ vagrant up
Once vagrant up is finished running, log in to the virtual machine using the following command.
$ vagrant ssh
Place the unziped newsdata.sql file to the vagrant directory. To load the data, from the vagrant directory, run the following command.
$ psql -d news -f newsdata.sql
In the terminal, type the following commands to create errors and total views in the database.
$ create view errors as
$ select date(time) as time, count(*) as count_errors
$ from log
$ where status != '200 OK'
$ group by date(time);
$ create view total as
$ select date(time) as time, count(*) as count_requests
$ from log
$ group by date(time);
To run the script locally,
- Clone this repo.
into project directory.- Add execution permission to
$ chmod +x
- Run the script using the command below.
$ python
The results of the script execution are shown below.
vagrant@vagrant:/vagrant$ python
Three most popular articles:
Candidate is jerk, alleges rival - 338647 views
Bears love berries, alleges bear - 253801 views
Bad things gone, say good people - 170098 views
The most popular authors:
Ursula La Multa - 507594 views
Rudolf von Treppenwitz - 423457 views
Anonymous Contributor - 170098 views
Markoff Chaney - 84557 views
Days when more than 1% of requests lead to errors:
July 17, 2016 - 2.26%
Alexandra Baturina