# Install/upgrade
$ pip install awscli --upgrade --user
# Verify installation
$ aws --version
# Uninstall
$ pip uninstall awscli
The --upgrade
option tells pip to upgrade any requirements that are already installed. The --user
option tells pip to install the program to a subdirectory of your user directory to avoid modifying libraries used by your operating system.
For the full list of available commands, you can refer the official documentation here.
To create an application, we need to configure certain parameters. There are two options to create the application:
- Specifying all the parameters in the json file
- Specifying it in the cli when running
Let's take a look at the first option. To print out the sample template of parameters that needs to be configured:
$ aws elasticbeanstalk create-application --generate-cli-skeleton
"ApplicationName": "",
"Description": "",
"ResourceLifecycleConfig": {
"ServiceRole": "",
"VersionLifecycleConfig": {
"MaxCountRule": {
"Enabled": true,
"MaxCount": 0,
"DeleteSourceFromS3": true
"MaxAgeRule": {
"Enabled": true,
"MaxAgeInDays": 0,
"DeleteSourceFromS3": true
Save the output as config.json
, fill in the name
and desciption
, and run the following command:
$ aws elasticbeanstalk create-application --cli-input-json config.json
For the second option, you can just run the following:
$ aws elasticbeanstalk create-application --application-name "test-application" \
--description "This is a test application"
The only fields that can be updated is the application description:
$ aws elasticbeanstalk update-application --application-name test-application --description "this is an edited description"
Note: You cannot delete an application that has a running environment.
To delete the previous application that we created:
$ aws elasticbeanstalk delete-application --application-name test-application
In order to force delete an application that contains running environments:
$ aws elasticbeanstalk delete-application --application-name test-application --terminate-env-by-force true
If you have a running environment and wish to see the configuration:
$ aws elasticbeanstalk describe-configuration-settings --application test-application --environment-name test-application-development