- version: 5.0.0
- composer name: aligent/oro-geo-detection
This bundle provides users with a pop-up redirect to an alternative website if they are visiting your site from outside the selected region. It will also add a dropdown to the menu to allow users to switch to alternative websites.
Install this module via Composer
composer require aligent/oro-geo-detection
Clear cache
php bin/console cache:clear --env=prod
Head to System > Configuration > Aligent > Geo Detection
Enable Geo Detection and add as many countries and alternative URLs as you like.
If you have any issues with this bundle, please feel free to open GitHub issue with version and steps to reproduce.
Any contribution is highly appreciated. The best way to contribute code is to open a pull request on GitHub.
Adam Hall adam.hall@aligent.com.au
(C) 2021 Aligent Consulting