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ResNeTS: a ResNet for Time Series Analysis of Sentinel-2 Data Applied to Grassland Plant-Biodiversity Prediction

Official PyTorch implementation of ResNeTS, introduced in:

Á. G. Dieste et al., "ResNeTS: a ResNet for Time Series Analysis of Sentinel-2 Data Applied to Grassland Plant-Biodiversity Prediction," in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, doi: 10.1109/JSTARS.2024.3454271.

For questions or inquiries, please contact:

Table of contents

About ResNeTS

ResNeTS is an adaptation of the ResNet computer vision architecture for time series analysis of Sentinel-2 data. By favoring a streamlined and efficient design, ResNeTS improves accuracy over state-of-the-art architectures like InceptionTime and Transformers, while also reducing computational costs.

For further details, please refer to the associated research paper. A brief overview of the work can be found below:

Analyzing time series from remote sensing data can aid in understanding spectral-temporal phenomena in ecosystems, such as the seasonal variation of plant components. Lately, deep learning has emerged as a strong method for mapping environmental variables from this data due to its exceptional predictive capabilities. This work studies the adaptation of the ResNet computer vision architecture for time series analysis of Sentinel-2 data. The resulting deep learning architecture, ResNeTS, stacks sequential convolutions to build a deep and narrow network, aligning with the design principles of leading convolutional architectures in computer vision. Experiments were carried out for predicting different plant-biodiversity indices, namely species richness, and Shannon and Simpson indices, for temperate grassland ecosystems. The results show that ResNeTS can achieve moderate improvements in terms of accuracy compared to other state-of-the-art architectures, such as InceptionTime (up to +0.021 r2), with reduced computational costs owing to its streamlined architecture.


Follow the instructions below to set up this project for experimentation.


This project leverages Docker to ensure a reproducible environment. To get started, ensure your machine supports the following tools:

Downloading the code

Clone the repository to your local machine:

git clone

The code will be provided to the Docker container through volume mapping.

Downloading the dataset

The dataset used in this work is already located in the data/ directory. It contains Sentinel-2 time series data along with the corresponding biodiversity indices in a .xlsx format.

Running the project

To build the Docker image, run the following script:

cd dockerfiles/ && bash ./

Note that the image is large (~18.6 GB), so downloading dependencies may take some time.

Before launching the container, update the volume mapping in dockerfiles/ to fit your particular set-up:

docker run \
     --shm-size=1g \
     --rm \
     -p 6006:6006 \
-    -v /home/alvaro.goldar/ResNeTS:/opt/ResNeTS \
+    -v /full/path/to/ResNeTS:/opt/ResNeTS \

Feel free to change any other arguments as needed.

Now, launch the container and attach a bash terminal:

./ bash


The container includes the Guild AI tool, which helps track experiments, compare results, and automate runs. To learn more about the many features of Guild AI, such as batch files and others, please refer to its documentation.

Guild AI parses available arguments and uses their default values unless otherwise specified:

root@85d5877463d3:/opt/ResNeTS# guild run
You are about to run main
  batch_size: 32
  beta1: 0.9
  beta2: 0.999
  bottleneck_factor: 4
  ensemble_count: 1
  epochs: 1500
  eps: 1.0e-06
  kernel_size: 5
  lr: 0.001
  model: ResNet18T
  num_blocks_per_stage: 1 1 1 1
  num_channels: 64 64 64 64
  num_filters: 64
  num_kernels: 15000
  original_training: no
  seed: 42
  shortcut_pooling: yes
  split_procedure: split_by_plot
  stem_channels: 96
  strides: 1 1 2 1
  study_var: SpecRichness
  warmup_epochs: 150
  weight_decay: 0.001
Continue? (Y/n)

You can change any parameter by appending its new value to the command. For instance, to predict the Shannon index instead of Species Richness, use:

root@85d5877463d3:/opt/ResNeTS# guild run study_var=Shannon
You are about to run main
  study_var: Shannon
Continue? (Y/n)

As an example, let's train the ResNeTS model for predicting Species Richness:

root@85d5877463d3:/opt/ResNeTS# guild run model=ResNet18T study_var=SpecRichness
You are about to run main
  batch_size: 32
  beta1: 0.9
  beta2: 0.999
  bottleneck_factor: 4
  ensemble_count: 1
  epochs: 1500
  eps: 1.0e-06
  kernel_size: 5
  lr: 0.001
  model: ResNet18T
  num_blocks_per_stage: 1 1 1 1
  num_channels: 64 64 64 64
  num_filters: 64
  num_kernels: 15000
  original_training: no
  seed: 42
  shortcut_pooling: yes
  split_procedure: split_by_plot
  stem_channels: 96
  strides: 1 1 2 1
  study_var: SpecRichness
  warmup_epochs: 150
  weight_decay: 0.001
Continue? (Y/n) 
Resolving file:data/
[*] Arguments: {'device': 'cuda:0', 'seed': 42, 'batch_size': 32, 'split_procedure': 'split_by_plot', 'study_var': 'SpecRichness', 'beta1': 0.9, 'beta2': 0.999, 'ensemble_count': 1, 'epochs': 1500, 'eps': 1e-06, 'lr': 0.001, 'model': 'ResNet18T', 'warmup_epochs': 150, 'weight_decay': 0.001, 'bottleneck_factor': 4, 'num_filters': 64, 'num_blocks_per_stage': [1, 1, 1, 1], 'num_channels': [64, 64, 64, 64], 'kernel_size': 5, 'shortcut_pooling': True, 'stem_channels': 96, 'strides': [1, 1, 2, 1], 'original_training': False, 'num_kernels': 15000}
[*] Fold 1/5
[*] Ensemble of 1 ResNet18T models...
[*] Warmup epoch: 1/150 - Train loss: 30.4713                       
[*] Warmup epoch: 10/150 - Train loss: 29.9158
[*] Epoch: 10/1500 - Train loss: 2.4998 - Val loss: 5.2823                 
[*] Epoch: 20/1500 - Train loss: 1.8214 - Val loss: 4.9980
[*] Epoch: 370/1500 - Train loss: 0.6792 - Val loss: 4.7428                  
[*] Early stopping at epoch 380                                              
[*] Training the model...:  25%|██▌       | 379/1500 [01:04<03:10,  5.89it/s]
[*] Training time: 88.24 s
[*] Testing the best model...
[*] Testing time: 0.04 s
[*] Fold 2/5
[*] Fold 3/5
[*] Fold 4/5
[*] Fold 5/5
[*] Epoch: 350/1500 - Train loss: 1.0331 - Val loss: 4.2093                  
[*] Early stopping at epoch 360                                              
[*] Training the model...:  24%|██▍       | 359/1500 [01:01<03:16,  5.80it/s]
[*] Training time: 89.29 s
[*] Testing the best model...
[*] Testing time: 0.03 s
[*] Final metrics:
[*] R2 mean: 0.6035
[*] R2 std: 0.0452
[*] RRMSE mean: 0.2203
[*] RRMSE std: 0.0164
[*] RMSES mean: 4.4569
[*] RMSES std: 0.6151
[*] RMSEU mean: 5.1047
[*] RMSEU std: 0.4252
[*] Training time mean: 74.96 s
[*] Training time std: 12.17 s
[*] Testing time mean: 0.03 s
[*] Testing time std: 0.00 s

The model's accuracy is automatically evaluated at the end of the training process.

The following table shows the models tested in the research paper and the appropriate commands to run them:

Model Command
MLP guild run model=MLP warmup_epochs=1
Bi-LSTM guild run model=BiLSTM warmup_epochs=1
Transformer guild run model=Transformer warmup_epochs=1
FCN guild run model=FCN warmup_epochs=1
Residual CNN guild run model=ResidualNet warmup_epochs=1
InceptionTime guild run model=InceptionTime eps=0.01
InceptionTime-5 guild run model=InceptionTime eps=0.01 ensemble_count=5
ResNeTS guild run model=ResNet18T
ResNeTS-5 guild run model=ResNet18T ensemble_count=5
Rocket guild run model=Rocket epochs=1 warmup_epochs=0

The available study variables are: Shannon, Simpson, and SpecRichness.


This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. See the LICENSE file for details.


If you find this work useful, please consider citing the corresponding research paper:

  author={Dieste, Álvaro G. and Argüello, Francisco and Heras, Dora B. and Magdon, Paul and Linstädter, Anja and Dubovyk, Olena and Muro, Javier},
  journal={IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing}, 
  title={ResNeTS: a ResNet for Time Series Analysis of Sentinel-2 Data Applied to Grassland Plant-Biodiversity Prediction}, 
  keywords={Time series analysis;Biodiversity;Remote sensing;Computer architecture;Grasslands;Long short term memory;Europe;biodiversity prediction;deep learning;multispectral imaging;remote sensing;residual network;sentinel-2;time series analysis},