Configaroo is a tool developed in partnership with IAV. It allows effortless management of large distributed code bases. The prototype version of the tool enables the easy and straightforward organization of Github repositories and submodules by utilizing graph visualization functionality. In particular, Configaroo depicts the relationships between repositories and submodules as edges in a dependency graph. As visualization is one of the primary features of the tool, Configaroo supports a large variety of different graph layouts and allows dependency rendering ahead of time, so that developers can pick and choose the right set of modules for their final project configuration.
In brackets you can find the versions used during development.
npm (6.13.6)
Node (10.16.2)
Angular CLI (8.3.15)
Angular (8.2.12)
Maven (3.3.9)
Java 8
The first step is cloning the project:
git clone
cd configaroo
After cloning the project, to run Configaroo locally follow these steps:
cd backend
mvn package
java -jar target/gitmodconfig_backend-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
cd frontend
npm install
ng build
npm run dev
If you are interested in setting up your local development enviroment to either play around or extend the functionality of the project follow the steps below:
- In IntelliJ click on Import project and select the project "pom.xml" file:
Run "install" from the Maven panel (right side of the screen) in IntelliJ
Right click on the "GitmodconfigBackendApplication" class and press "Run GitmodconfigBackendApplication":
To edit the project one can use any editor or IDE. Some examples include Atom, Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, etc.
cd frontend
npm install
code . # Opening the code with Visual Studio Code
ng serve
Denis Rangelov Github Account 1, Github Account 2
Martin Kachev Github Account