This project leverages deep learning models to perform facial emotion recognition using the FER-2013 dataset. Two models, VGG16 and EfficientNetB2, were trained, fine-tuned, and evaluated to classify facial expressions into one of seven emotions.
The dataset used for training and validation is the FER-2013 dataset, which can be downloaded from Kaggle. The dataset consists of grayscale images of faces, each labeled with one of seven emotions: anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, surprise, and neutral.
The directory structure for the project is as follows:
├── train/ # Training images
│ ├── anger/
│ ├── disgust/
│ ├── fear/
│ ├── happiness/
│ ├── neutral/
│ ├── sadness/
│ └── surprise/
├── test/ # Testing images
├── best_model.keras # Trained model using EfficientNetB2
└── best_modelv2.keras # Trained model using VGG16
The project uses Python 3 and the following libraries:
- numpy
- pandas
- tensorflow
- keras
- matplotlib
Data Preparation:
- The images are loaded and preprocessed using
with a validation split of 0.2.
- The images are loaded and preprocessed using
Model Architecture:
- The base model used is EfficientNetB2, with additional layers for global average pooling, dropout, and dense layers for classification.
- The model is compiled and trained using the Adam optimizer and categorical crossentropy loss function.
- Early stopping and learning rate reduction callbacks were utilized to enhance training performance.
Data Preparation:
- Similar to the EfficientNetB2 model, images are loaded and preprocessed using
with a validation split of 0.2, and rescaling is applied.
- Similar to the EfficientNetB2 model, images are loaded and preprocessed using
Model Architecture:
- The base model used is VGG16, with additional layers including flattening, dropout, and dense layers for classification.
- The VGG16 model is compiled and trained with the Adam optimizer and categorical crossentropy loss function.
- Early stopping and learning rate reduction callbacks were utilized to enhance training performance.
- Both models were trained for an initial 20 epochs and subsequently fine-tuned for an additional 20 epochs to improve accuracy and performance.
- The training history, including accuracy and loss over epochs, was plotted to visualize the model's performance.
The models were evaluated based on their performance on the validation set. The trained models, best_model.keras
and best_modelv2.keras
, represent the final versions of EfficientNetB2 and VGG16 models, respectively.
To use the trained models for emotion recognition on new images, load the appropriate model and preprocess the input images to match the training conditions (96x96 pixels, RGB color mode).