ESS Site-specific EPICS module : ecmc_plugin_advanced
Example illustrating how to implement plugins for use with ecmc (
Shows how to implement:
- callbacks
- custom ecmc plc-functions
- custom ecmc plc-constants
- access to ecmcAsynPort object to add plugin specific asyn parameter.
The interface is defined in the structure ecmcPluginData in ecmcPluginDefs.h:
struct ecmcPluginData {
int ifVersion;
// Name
const char *name;
// Description
const char *desc;
// Option description
const char *optionDesc;
// Plugin version
int version;
// Optional construct func, called once at load (with config string (with options if needed))
int (*constructFnc)(char *config);
// Optional destruct func, called once at unload
void (*destructFnc)(void);
// Optional func that will be called once just before enter realtime mode
int (*realtimeEnterFnc)(void);
// Optional func that will be called once just before exit realtime mode
int (*realtimeExitFnc)(void);
// Optional func that will be called each realtime cycle
int (*realtimeFnc)(int);
// Allow max ECMC_PLUGIN_MAX_PLC_FUNC_COUNT custom functions
struct ecmcOnePlcFunc funcs[ECMC_PLUGIN_MAX_PLC_FUNC_COUNT];
// Allow max ECMC_PLUGIN_MAX_PLC_CONST_COUNT custom constants
struct ecmcOnePlcConst consts[ECMC_PLUGIN_MAX_PLC_CONST_COUNT];
All callbacks are optional. If the callbacks are not used then set the func pointer to NULL ("ecmcPluginData.*Fnc=NULL").
This callback is called once when the plugin is loaded into ecmc. This is a good place to put code for any initialization needed in the plugin module.
Return value: 0 for success or error code.
The config string can be used to send configuration data to the plugin when beeing loaded. In this example plugin only a printout is made in this callback.
In this example a asyn parameter called "plugin.adv.counter" is registered. The ecmc realtime samplerate is also determined by using functions in ecmcPluginClient.h.
This callback is called once when the plugin is unloaded. This is a good place to put cleanup code needed by the plugin module.
In this example plugin only a printout is made in this callback.
This callback is called once in each realtime loop (sync to ecmc). This is a good place to put any cyclic processing needed by the plugin module.
NOTE: This callback is executed by ecmc realtime thread. Take measures to stay as short time as possible in this function. If lots of processing is needed a separate worker thread might be a solution.
Parameters: ecmcErrorId: reflects the current errorstate of ecmc.
Return value: 0 for success or error code.
In this example a counter value is increased for each call and the coresponding asyn parameter is updated.
This callback is called once just before ecmc enters realtime mode (starts rt-thread). This is a good place to make any prepartions needed before cyclic processing starts.
Return value: 0 for success or error code.
This callback is called once just before ecmc exits realtime mode (exits rt-thread).
Return value: 0 for success or error code.
In this example plugin only a printout is made in this callback.
// Compile data for lib so ecmc now what to use
// Register data for plugin so ecmc know what to use
struct ecmcPluginData pluginDataDef = {
// Name
.name = "ecmcExamplePlugin",
// Description
.desc = "Advanced example with use of asynport obj.",
// Option description
.optionDesc = ECMC_PLUGIN_DBG_OPTION_CMD"=1/0 : Enables/disables printouts from plugin.",
// Plugin version
// Optional construct func, called once at load. NULL if not definded.
.constructFnc = adv_exampleConstruct,
// Optional destruct func, called once at unload. NULL if not definded.
.destructFnc = adv_exampleDestruct,
// Optional func that will be called each rt cycle. NULL if not definded.
.realtimeFnc = adv_exampleRealtime,
// Optional func that will be called once just before enter realtime mode
.realtimeEnterFnc = adv_exampleEnterRT,
// Optional func that will be called once just before exit realtime mode
.realtimeExitFnc = adv_exampleExitRT
Custom ecmc PLC-functions can be implemented in plugins. Currentlly the interface supports implementation of up to 64 plc functions. Each plc function needs to be defined by the struct "ecmcOnePlcFunc":
// Structure for defining one custom plc function
struct ecmcOnePlcFunc {
// Function name (this is the name you use in ecmc plc-code)
const char *funcName;
// Function description
const char *funcDesc;
* 11 different prototypes allowed (only doubles since reg in plc).
* Only one funcArg<argCount> func shall be assigned the rest set to NULL.
double (*funcArg0)();
double (*funcArg1)(double);
double (*funcArg2)(double,double);
double (*funcArg3)(double,double,double);
double (*funcArg4)(double,double,double,double);
double (*funcArg5)(double,double,double,double,double);
double (*funcArg6)(double,double,double,double,double,double);
double (*funcArg7)(double,double,double,double,double,double,double);
double (*funcArg8)(double,double,double,double,double,double,double,double);
double (*funcArg9)(double,double,double,double,double,double,double,double,double);
double (*funcArg10)(double,double,double,double,double,double,double,double,double,double);
.funcs[0] =
{ /*----customPlcFunc1----*/
// Function name (this is the name you use in ecmc plc-code)
.funcName = "adv_plugin_func_1",
// Function description
.funcDesc = "Multiply arg0 with arg1.",
* 11 different prototypes allowed (only doubles since reg in plc).
* Only one funcArg<argCount> func shall be assigned the rest set to NULL.
.funcArg0 = NULL,
.funcArg1 = NULL,
.funcArg2 = adv_customPlcFunc1, // Func 1 has 2 args
.funcArg3 = NULL,
.funcArg4 = NULL,
.funcArg5 = NULL,
.funcArg6 = NULL,
.funcArg7 = NULL,
.funcArg8 = NULL,
.funcArg9 = NULL,
.funcArg10 = NULL
Note: Only the first non NULL function will be used (starting from funcArg0...)
Custom ecmc PLC-constants can be implemented in plugins. Currentlly the interface supports implementation of up to 64 plc constants. Each plc constant needs to be defined by the struct "ecmcOnePlcConst":
struct ecmcOnePlcConst{
const char *constName;
const char *constDesc;
double constValue;
.consts[0] = {
.constName = "adv_CONST_1",
.constDesc = "Test constant \"adv_CONST_1\" = 1.234567890",
.constValue = 1.234567890,
All needed headers are available in ecmc (
Only the "ecmcPluginDefs.h" header is needed.
The ecmc headers can be used in plugins which then will give access to most functionalities and data in ecmc.
from ecmc you can use:
- ecmcPluginClient.h : Usefull functions for plugins ("simple" data access), possible to subscribe to data via callbacks.
- ecmcPluginDefs.h : Definition of plugin interface
- ecmcPLC.h : Plc functionalites
- ecmcEthercat.h : Ethercat functionalites
- ecmcMotion.h : Motion functionalites
- ecmcGeneral.h : General functionalites
- ecmcDataItem.h : Base class to ecmcAsynDataItem describing a pure ecmc related data param (no asyn)
- ecmcDefinitions.h : Gener defs and datatypes
Other headers of interesst:
- ecmcAsynPortDriver.h : main communication class
- ecmcAsynDataItem.h : class describing one ecmc asyn parameter
from asyn you might need:
- asynPortDriver.h
Note: This define is needed in the plugin sources in order to successfully include the ecmc headers:
// Register data for plugin so ecmc know what to use
struct ecmcPluginData pluginDataDef = {
// Name
.name = "ecmcExamplePlugin",
// Description
.desc = "Advanced example with use of asynport obj.",
// Option description
.optionDesc = ECMC_PLUGIN_DBG_OPTION_CMD"=1/0 : Enables/disables printouts from plugin.",
// Plugin version
// Optional construct func, called once at load. NULL if not definded.
.constructFnc = adv_exampleConstruct,
// Optional destruct func, called once at unload. NULL if not definded.
.destructFnc = adv_exampleDestruct,
// Optional func that will be called each rt cycle. NULL if not definded.
.realtimeFnc = adv_exampleRealtime,
// Optional func that will be called once just before enter realtime mode
.realtimeEnterFnc = adv_exampleEnterRT,
// Optional func that will be called once just before exit realtime mode
.realtimeExitFnc = adv_exampleExitRT,
// Allow max s custom plc funcs
.funcs[0] =
{ /*----customPlcFunc1----*/
// Function name (this is the name you use in ecmc plc-code)
.funcName = "adv_plugin_func_1",
// Function description
.funcDesc = "Multiply arg0 with arg1.",
* 11 different prototypes allowed (only doubles since reg in plc).
* Only one funcArg<argCount> func shall be assigned the rest set to NULL.
.funcArg0 = NULL,
.funcArg1 = NULL,
.funcArg2 = adv_customPlcFunc1, // Func 1 has 2 args
.funcArg3 = NULL,
.funcArg4 = NULL,
.funcArg5 = NULL,
.funcArg6 = NULL,
.funcArg7 = NULL,
.funcArg8 = NULL,
.funcArg9 = NULL,
.funcArg10 = NULL
.funcs[1] =
{ /*----customPlcFunc2----*/
// Function name (this is the name you use in ecmc plc-code)
.funcName = "adv_plugin_func_2",
// Function description
.funcDesc = "Multiply arg0, arg1 and arg2.",
* 11 different prototypes allowed (only doubles since reg in plc).
* Only funcArg${argCount} func shall be assigned the rest set to NULL.
.funcArg0 = NULL,
.funcArg1 = NULL,
.funcArg2 = NULL,
.funcArg3 = adv_customPlcFunc2, // Func 2 has 3 args
.funcArg4 = NULL,
.funcArg5 = NULL,
.funcArg6 = NULL,
.funcArg7 = NULL,
.funcArg8 = NULL,
.funcArg9 = NULL,
.funcArg10 = NULL
.funcs[2] = {0}, // last element set all to zero..
/** Plugin specific constants (add prefix to not risc collide with
* names from other modules) */
.consts[0] = {
.constName = "adv_CONST_1",
.constDesc = "Test constant \"adv_CONST_1\" = 1.234567890",
.constValue = 1.234567890,
.consts[1] = {
.constName = "adv_CONST_2",
.constDesc = "Test constant \"adv_CONST_2\" = 9.876543210",
.constValue = 9.876543210,
.consts[2] = {0}, // last element set all to zero..
camonitor IOC_TEST:Plugin-Adv-Counter
IOC_TEST:Plugin-Adv-Counter 2020-03-26 15:45:21.535547 23
IOC_TEST:Plugin-Adv-Counter 2020-03-26 15:45:21.630954 24
IOC_TEST:Plugin-Adv-Counter 2020-03-26 15:45:21.740799 25
IOC_TEST:Plugin-Adv-Counter 2020-03-26 15:45:21.838110 26
IOC_TEST:Plugin-Adv-Counter 2020-03-26 15:45:21.930354 27
IOC_TEST:Plugin-Adv-Counter 2020-03-26 15:45:22.034919 28
IOC_TEST:Plugin-Adv-Counter 2020-03-26 15:45:22.130358 29
IOC_TEST:Plugin-Adv-Counter 2020-03-26 15:45:22.234041 30
IOC_TEST:Plugin-Adv-Counter 2020-03-26 15:45:22.334133 31
IOC_TEST:Plugin-Adv-Counter 2020-03-26 15:45:22.434937 32
IOC_TEST:Plugin-Adv-Counter 2020-03-26 15:45:22.530212 33
IOC_TEST:Plugin-Adv-Counter 2020-03-26 15:45:22.634437 34
IOC_TEST:Plugin-Adv-Counter 2020-03-26 15:45:22.734606 35