Welcome to my README.
I've been programming for over 10 years now, I love what I do and plan on keep doing it as a career.
I'm currently an undergraduate at USP on the course of Sistemas de Informação.
- Web development using standard HTML5, CSS, JS
- Web apps using NodeJS, including Express
- Development of Java UI apps, CLI apps, and custom tools
- Arduino programming and electronics
- Graphics pipelines and graphics programming using OpenGL with C, C++
- Low-level programming using bare metal languages such as Assembly, C, C++
- The Unity Game engine
- Linux-based OSes, management, toolchains and commands
- Git projects with multiple branches
- Custom build systems using Bash/Batch/Makefile
- Library development, standardization and most importantly, documentation
- Web apps using modern language and tools stack (React, Node, etc.)
- Competitive Python in Competitions and Hackatons
- Rust development