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[ENG] Safari background actions

Andre edited this page Aug 17, 2022 · 4 revisions

Safari background actions

The selected background actions are automatically executed when loading a geocaching website. These actions are mainly to remove not needed elements from the website.

This image shows a regular geocache listing:

Listing without gcAE

Each background action will effect a different area. The areas are marked on the following image:

Background actions

Background actions

Remove disclaimer note

This will remove the yellow disclaimer note section.

Auto decrypt hints

The rot13 encryption will be removed, so the hints are directly readable. The decryption key table will also be removed.

Remove ads section

Removes the sections with ads on the right side.

Remove print section

Removes the are to print the listing on the top right below the coordinates.

Clean attributes section

Removes the What are Attributes? link in the attributes section.

Clean inventory section

Removes the What are Trackable Items? link in the inventory section.

Remove map section

Removes the map.

Clean other links section

Removes the section with additional links like Find... and For online maps....

Automatically load favorite percentage score

This will load the favorite percentage score if a geocache has any favorite points and add it behind the total favorits amount.

Enlarge the field personal cache notes

This will vertical enlarge the field for personal cache notes. This also enlarges the field size while editing the personal cache note.

Listing with most background actions

Cleaned listing with added actions.

(Map was not removed and favorite percentage not added)