This is a light modern C++ library for managing xml. It is possible to import, modify and export any xml. At the same time, xml can be generated from 0 in a programmatic way and later exported over a file or a string.
All the relevant code is contained under the src folder. If you have found this package to be useful, please leave a star!
To parse an xml from a file you have just to call one single function:
#include <XML-Parser/Parser.h>
std::filesystem::path path = "aa/bb/cc";
auto [metaData, xml_root] = xmlPrs::parseFile(path);
Meta data can be inspected to check the version for example. Notice that the meta data specification is optional for an xml and if not provided the meta data collection will be simply empty:
// extract the version from the metadata ... if provided
if(auto it_version = metaData.find("version"); it_version != metaData.end()) {
const std::string& version = it_version->second;
std::cout << "version of the doc: " << version << std::endl;
The parsed xml can be inspected in many ways:
std::string root_name = xml_root->getName();
// get the attributes of the root
const std::unordered_multimap<std::string, std::string>& root_attributes = xml_root->getAttributes();
// access any tag at a specified path
std::filesystem::path nested_path = "root/childA/childB";
xmlPrs::Tag& nested = xml_root->getDescendant(nested_path);
// access the attributes of the nested tag
const std::unordered_multimap<std::string, std::string>& nested_attributes = xml_root->getAttributes();
// get a subnested tag
std::filesystem::path sub_nested_path = "childC/childD";
xmlPrs::Tag& sub_nested = nested.getDescendant(sub_nested_path);
You can also generate xml structure from scratches, by building an empty root which is later filled (or add something to an already parsed xml):
#include <XML-Parser/Tag.h>
xmlPrs::Tag root{"Root"};
// add some attributes
root.getAttributes().emplace("fieldA", "valA");
root.getAttributes().emplace("fieldB", "valB");
// add a nested tag
xmlPrs::Tag& nested = root.emplaceNested("Child");
// add attributes to the nested child
nested.getAttributes().emplace("fieldC", "valC");
You can also reprint the generated or modified structure or convert it to a string:
// print on a file
std::ofstream{"aa/bb/cc/dd"} << root;
// ... or convert to a string
std::string as_string = xmlPrs::toString(root);
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Under the sample folder you can find more extensive examples showing you how to use this library.
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In order to consume this library you can rely on CMake. This is the way you could integrate this library in your next CMake project:
set(BUILD_XML_Parser_SAMPLES OFF CACHE BOOL "" FORCE) # you don't want the samples ... just the library
GIT_TAG master # or a specific release tag if you want ...
Then, you can link to this library in order to use it:
This package contains also the functionality for automatically converting an xml into a json. More specifically, a xmlPrs::Tag can be automatically converted into a nlohmann::json (indeed, the well known nlohmann josn library is used for the json representations):
xmlPrs::Root as_xml("Root");
// fill the xml structure
// ...
// convert to json
nlohmann::json as_json = as_xml;
Check also Example-05. In that example, this xml:
<B b="val_b" a="val_a1" a="val_a2">
<C c="val_c" b="val_b" a="val_a"></C>
<C c="val_c" b="val_b" a="val_a"></C>
<C c="val_c" b="val_b" a="val_a"></C>
<A b="val_b" a="val_a1" a="val_a2"></A>
is converted to this json:
"attributes": null,
"name": "Root",
"nested": {
"A": {
"attributes": {
"a": [
"b": "val_b"
"name": "A",
"nested": null
"B": {
"attributes": {
"a": [
"b": "val_b"
"name": "B",
"nested": {
"C": [
"attributes": {
"a": "val_a",
"b": "val_b",
"c": "val_c"
"name": "C",
"nested": null
"attributes": {
"a": "val_a",
"b": "val_b",
"c": "val_c"
"name": "C",
"nested": null
"attributes": {
"a": "val_a",
"b": "val_b",
"c": "val_c"
"name": "C",
"nested": null
"D": {
"attributes": null,
"name": "D",
"nested": null
This functionality is by default enabled and is controlled by the CMake option ENABLE_XML_Parser_nlohmann_json_converter. When set to ON (default behaviour), the nlohmann library is fetched in order to allow the conversion. On the contrary case, no external dependency is fetched and the functionality to convert into json is not provided.
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XML-GUI wraps this library as C++ backend to a nice graphical user interactive application handling xml: