AS A business owner
I WANT to be able to view and manage the departments, roles, and employees in my company
SO THAT I can organize and plan my business
This is an employee tracker database created in the UW Coding Bootcamp. It allows users to input departments, roles, and employees, update an employee's role, and view a table of departments, roles, and employees.
- Download it through Github
- Ensure inquirer is installed
- Ensure mysql2 is installed
- Ensure console.table package is installed
- To connect to the database, once files are downloaded to you computer, you will need to change the password on line 11 of the server.js file to your own password
- Open terminal and navigate to employee_tracker folder
- Type npm init -y into terminal to create a new .json file
- Type npm i into terminal
- Type npm i inquirer into terminal
- Type npm i mysql2 into terminal
- Type npm i console.table into terminal
- Navigate to the db folder
- Type mysql -u root -p into terminal
- Enter your password into terminal
- Type source schema.sql into terminal
- Type source seeds.sql into terminal
- Type quit into terminal
- Navigate back to the the employee_tracker folder in terminal
- Type npm start into the terminal
- Answer prompts in terminal to view, add, and update the database
Link to Video of Walkthrough for Demonstration:
Contributions are welcome through forking my repository.
- Github: andreahergert
- Email: