It's Selenium API, you can test simple call one API, for all end-2-end test case only deploying on your server API. IMPORTANT. If you want to deploy on cloud you must configure properly selenium as well browser driver. I realize a proof of concept for Chrome on AWS Ec2. It's work like a charm!
You can call API many way: preparing json request and sending, use Builder in library. If you use maven you should include
After that can call API with
String serverTest = "http://localhost:8081/test";
String url = "";
String driverVersion = "104.0.5112.20";
String browserVersion = "104.0.5112.79";
String userAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/99.0.4844.51 Safari/537.36.";
Configuration configuration = BuilderConfiguration.create().browserVersion(browserVersion).driverVersion(driverVersion).userAgent(userAgent).headless().getConfiguration();
Click click = new Click();
TestCase test = test = BuilderTestCase.create().url(url).configuration(configuration).addActivity(click).getTestCase();
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
HttpEntity<TestCase> request = new HttpEntity<TestCase>(test);
ResultTesting resultTesting = restTemplate.postForObject(serverTest, request, ResultTesting.class);
If you have runtime error regarding log4j can resolve adding in pom in import of library
Documentation REST API is automagically with Swagger library. If you go at ./swagger-ui/index.html you can dinamically see request and response API structure.