PostgreSQL/Greenplum & ArcGIS
####################################################################### Abstract:
This plugin provides functionality to reach out from a PostgreSQL or Pivotal Greenplum Database to an ArcGIS system, to request and enrich data.
####################################################################### Installation:
make install
####################################################################### Deinstallation:
make remove
####################################################################### Requirements:
You need: ArcGIS "Client ID" & "Client Secret". You can create this by logging in into the ArcGIS website with your account and create an application. Basic lookups and reverse lookups are free and don't require account details.
####################################################################### Configuration:
- verify configuration
SELECT arcgis.check_configuration();
- set ArcGIS client ID
SELECT arcgis.set_client_id('');
- set ArcGIS client secret
SELECT arcgis.set_client_secret('');
- set ArcGIS authentication URL
SELECT arcgis.set_auth_url('');
- set ArcGIS geocode URL
SELECT arcgis.set_geocode_url('');
- remove existing configuration
SELECT arcgis.remove_configuration();
####################################################################### Usage:
- resolve address to geocoordinates
SELECT arcgis.find('<address');
Example: SELECT arcgis.find('380 New York Street Redlands CA 92373'); Example: SELECT * FROM arcgis.find('380 New York Street Redlands CA 92373');
- resolve address to geocoordinates, return address as one string
SELECT arcgis.find_return_point('
');Example: SELECT arcgis.find_return_point('380 New York Street Redlands CA 92373');
- resolve address to geocoordinates, return x (longitude) and y (latitude) as array
SELECT arcgis.find_xy('
');Example: SELECT arcgis.find_xy('380 New York Street Redlands CA 92373');
- resolve address to geocoordinates, return y and x as array, suitable for services like Google Maps
SELECT arcgis.find_xy('
');Example: SELECT arcgis.find_xy('380 New York Street Redlands CA 92373');
- resolve geocoordinates to closest address
SELECT arcgis.reverseGeocode('', '');
Example: SELECT arcgis.reverseGeocode('-122.148659529', '37.3939849106'); Example: SELECT * FROM arcgis.reverseGeocode('-122.148659529', '37.3939849106');
- resolve geocoordinates to closest address, return address as string
SELECT arcgis.reverseGeocode_string('', '');
Example: SELECT arcgis.reverseGeocode_string('-122.148659529', '37.3939849106');