An alarm system that monitor hosts' CPU & memory indicators and send notifications according to user configurations.
After took some kafka udemy courses, i did this mini project to apply some of the knowledge that i got.
- Consumer API
- Producer API
- Streams
- Sink Connector.
- Multiple hosts send information about the memory and cpu usage.
- The user has the possibility to configure mem/cpu limits and the time to trigger alarms.
- If the limits are exceed inside a time window then a notification must be send.
- All the messages must be audited in a text file.
Config var | Description | Example |
topics | Topic to read | user_alarms |
file | Log file to write | /Users/andfaria/test.log |
Config var | Description | Example |
smtpServer | Email server | |
Port | Server port | 587 |
emailOrigin | Sender | |
username | User | |
password | Password | test |
emailDestination | Destionation email | |
telegramToken | Telegram Token | blablabla231321 |
telegramNotification | Set on/off telegram notification | on |
telegramChatId | Conversation ID to send notification | 123123 |
Config var | Description | Example |
memory | Minimum free memory in MBs | 500 |
cpu | Max cpu usage | 50 |
retention | Time window to consider cpu and memory indicators Milliseconds | 3600 |
- MacOS Catalina 10.15.4
- Kafka Server 2.3.0
- Java 8
Note: In order to send emails successfully with gmail, i needed to disable the two-factor authenticator and enable less secure apps.
Navigating to root dir and execute:
mvn clean install assembly:single
Start kafka and zookeeper:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml up
cd audit-consumer/
export CLASSPATH="$(find target/ -type f -name '*.jar'| grep '\-package' | tr '\n' ':')" config/ config/
cd client_producer/target
#arg1 -> bootstrapServer, arg2 -> topic to write, arg3 -> interval between writes
java -cp client-producer-1.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar org.aflabs.kafka.producer.client.Producer "" host_stats 10000
cd transformer-stream/target
#arg1 -> bootstrapServer, arg2 -> applicationId. If need edit file in classes/
java -cp "classes:./*" "" "alarms-system-stream-9"
cd notifier-consumer/target
#arg1 -> bootstrapServer, arg2 -> topic to read. If need edit file in classes/
java -cp classes:notifier-consumer-1.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar org.aflabs.kafka.consumer.notifier.Consumer "" "alarm-consumer"